definatly addictive, i've got to limit my self to 12hrs a day, other wise my eyes will go square! having problems atm! lol... i love it tho 🙂 no where near what you are at tho mate, i'm still in the hundreds of pounds trades! never mind thousand! good on you!! how have you found the Cable market? GBP/USD
You limit yourself to 12 hrs a day?!?! 😱 :whistling Man, I'm trying to get at least a few hours in the wee morning hours and a few more late night and I can FEEL it after a few days! You're stronger than I! 👍
Here is a trade on GBP/USD using the K strategy... This pair can be a monster mover on ya! Can't sleep well with open trades on here. Moves up on ur stops right quick!!!
Tell me what you think, Steven!