PC Spec - For Information...


Well-known member
Hi all,

There are quite a few questions around this Board (regarding PC performance) with people having various troubles such as limits to number of symbols and quote delays etc. when using Radarscreen in conjunction with resource intensive indicators. Therefore, for anyone currently contemplating updraging their PC, I thought it might be helpful to share details of a PC I have just built. It is running Radarscreens utilising Grey1's EE MACCI, MPB bands, Divergence Indicators (at several compression rates) etc., with around 27 symbols loaded along with associated charts. CPU usage runs at between 15% to 30% only and there are no noticable delays in the quotes. It is running IB TWS also along with two minitors.

CPU: AMD Athlon 64 4200+ AM2 Dual Core
Mobo: ASUS M2N SLI Delux
RAM: 2x1Gb PC4200 533MHz

It cost a little over £600 in parts, including a 17"TFT, DVD RW etc.

I only share this info as a reference in case anyone is out there currently scratching their heads wondering what to buy and wether it will it do the job etc.

Kind Regards

evostik said:
Hi all,

There are quite a few questions around this Board (regarding PC performance) with people having various troubles such as limits to number of symbols and quote delays etc. when using Radarscreen in conjunction with resource intensive indicators. Therefore, for anyone currently contemplating updraging their PC, I thought it might be helpful to share details of a PC I have just built. It is running Radarscreens utilising Grey1's EE MACCI, MPB bands, Divergence Indicators (at several compression rates) etc., with around 27 symbols loaded along with associated charts. CPU usage runs at between 15% to 30% only and there are no noticable delays in the quotes. It is running IB TWS also along with two minitors.

CPU: AMD Athlon 64 4200+ AM2 Dual Core
Mobo: ASUS M2N SLI Delux
RAM: 2x1Gb PC4200 533MHz

It cost a little over £600 in parts, including a 17"TFT, DVD RW etc.

I only share this info as a reference in case anyone is out there currently scratching their heads wondering what to buy and wether it will it do the job etc.

Kind Regards


Hi Steve,

Are you using TS2000 or subscribing to Platform 8.1 ?

vegas said:
Hi Steve,

Are you using TS2000 or subscribing to Platform 8.1 ?


Hi Frank

Sorry for the delay in getting back - I have been in the pub!

I am using TS2000i as a local application on my PC.

Any more questions just ask.


evostik said:
Hi Frank

Sorry for the delay in getting back - I have been in the pub!

I am using TS2000i as a local application on my PC.

Any more questions just ask.



Thanks Steve.

Very impressive performance !

History plugin for DTN IQ & tradestation

Hi Evostik,

I have now bought a new computer system also to take care of the resource hungry Prosuite. For a change the processor speed now stays under 40% most of the time.

I am however, facing a problem in getting the history download from IQ feed. In my previous computer I used Hyperserverlite + the 'history plugin for tradestation' to download the history; The hyperserver web forum from where I could download the history + hyperserver lite programme downloads has been discontinued- so currently in the new computer I have managed to copy the hyperserverlite from the old computer to the new so the real time data download is not a problem but for the history, even when I have tried to copy the 'history plugin' and the 'downloader exe' from the old to the new computer, it does not download the history data.

Have you (or anyone ) faced this problem at all? Please can someone suggest a solution?


rajibde said:
Hi Evostik,

I have now bought a new computer system also to take care of the resource hungry Prosuite. For a change the processor speed now stays under 40% most of the time.

I am however, facing a problem in getting the history download from IQ feed. In my previous computer I used Hyperserverlite + the 'history plugin for tradestation' to download the history; The hyperserver web forum from where I could download the history + hyperserver lite programme downloads has been discontinued- so currently in the new computer I have managed to copy the hyperserverlite from the old computer to the new so the real time data download is not a problem but for the history, even when I have tried to copy the 'history plugin' and the 'downloader exe' from the old to the new computer, it does not download the history data.

Have you (or anyone ) faced this problem at all? Please can someone suggest a solution?



Hi Raj

Sorry but I can't help on this. I have purchased the new HS (not the old 'free version') and so when I moved to a new PC their on-line support guys were more than happy to remotely log into my machine and get it all set up for me. To be honest they were really willing and helpful and got it all working a treat.

Computer speed issues -solution

Hi All,

Just thought my experience with speed issues with the coputer might help someone in the BB -

After buying my last computer (just about a year ago with dual core and bla..bla..etc)-all seemed to work fine for the Prosuite if I defragmented the drive etc regularly, but for the last few weeks, the time lag started to occur again for the prosuite. Tried different thing right from registry fix to defrag the drive(again and again) but the cpu speed would still be at 100% during the peak times of market movement with a consequent time lag for the charts and the Radar screen.

A couple of days ago I used a programme (received free along with the PC Advisor mag) which apart from the other maintenance things, also carried out the DeFrag of the System Registry (over and above the hard disk defrag) and this seems to have fixed all speed issues.

Now this fix, I'm sure is known to many in the BB but I thought it might be helpful to the likes of me who are in a similar situation.

Happy trading!


What was the name of the programme?

Here's a highly recommended free cleaner - cleans and uninstalls everything:


I downloaded the latest version a few minutes ago.


What was the name of the programme?

Here's a highly recommended free cleaner - cleans and uninstalls everything:


I downloaded the latest version a few minutes ago.


Hi Grant,

I do use the classic version of CCI cleaner normally (could not find the reg defrag choice there though...); the one I've used this time is called 'Advanced System Optimiser' -got it with the PC Advisor magazine (£5/) and this is a full programme, with a vilidity of 1 yr.

Here's a highly recommended free cleaner - cleans and uninstalls everything:
Hi Grant,
As a non-techie, the comment that follows probably ranks alongside some of Alan Davies' obvious (and incorrect) answers on the tv quiz show QI, hosted by Stephen Fry - but not as funny. The ccleaner homepage states that the programme "removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space". How does it distinguish between that which is useful and wanted and that which is unuseful and unwanted? This is the problem (it seems to me, anyway) with anti-spam software; it get it right 95% of the time, but occasionally it does incorrectly label genuine and important e-mails as spam. My fear with ccleaner is that in six months time I'm ferreting around the bowels of my machine looking for something that the programme has long since disposed of.
Hello Tim,

Nobody ranks with Alan Davies (regards cretinism a virtue).

You can specify what ccleaner removes from the system, applications or Internet explorer, eg temporary files, histories, cookies, log files. It will also check and repair Registry integrity – missing dll’s, etc.

Also, a typical web-browsing period would add 50-75mb junk. It removes it.

I’ve been using this for over a year with no problems.

pc spec

Hi all,

There are quite a few questions around this Board (regarding PC performance) with people having various troubles such as limits to number of symbols and quote delays etc. when using Radarscreen in conjunction with resource intensive indicators. Therefore, for anyone currently contemplating updraging their PC, I thought it might be helpful to share details of a PC I have just built. It is running Radarscreens utilising Grey1's EE MACCI, MPB bands, Divergence Indicators (at several compression rates) etc., with around 27 symbols loaded along with associated charts. CPU usage runs at between 15% to 30% only and there are no noticable delays in the quotes. It is running IB TWS also along with two minitors.

CPU: AMD Athlon 64 4200+ AM2 Dual Core
Mobo: ASUS M2N SLI Delux
RAM: 2x1Gb PC4200 533MHz

It cost a little over £600 in parts, including a 17"TFT, DVD RW etc.

I only share this info as a reference in case anyone is out there currently scratching their heads wondering what to buy and wether it will it do the job etc.

Kind Regards


Hi, just wanted to ask if the above spec was still ok as im looking to get a pc (currently running mac) and set it up for use with tradestation. my pc knowledge is a little limited so any advice would be great. i dont need to use the machine for anything other than running tradestation really as i already have he mac for other stuff.

i will be looking to run 2 screens with a possible 3rd at a later date.

also, would anyone recomend how and where to get ts2000i and which data feeds are being used. i know this has been covered before but seems to change....

i was also wondering about the cost for t.s as it seems to differ?

thanks in advance.

Hi, just wanted to ask if the above spec was still ok as im looking to get a pc (currently running mac) and set it up for use with tradestation. my pc knowledge is a little limited so any advice would be great. i dont need to use the machine for anything other than running tradestation really as i already have he mac for other stuff.

i will be looking to run 2 screens with a possible 3rd at a later date.

also, would anyone recomend how and where to get ts2000i and which data feeds are being used. i know this has been covered before but seems to change....

i was also wondering about the cost for t.s as it seems to differ?

thanks in advance.


hi bd,

probibly best to get advice from one of the other members for your PC spec (i'm not great with IT)

this is my lap top spec (runing 2nd screen as well);

pc spec.JPG

i've only started using TS, but have around 67 symbol s now connected, runs ok, still have to iron out a few prob's, but when running, it up dates prices etc fine.

I'm probibly under spec'ed is my CPU usage runs up to about 50% quite a few times, and sometimes as high as 80%



  • CPU usage.JPG
    CPU usage.JPG
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Hi, just wanted to ask if the above spec was still ok as im looking to get a pc (currently running mac) and set it up for use with tradestation. my pc knowledge is a little limited so any advice would be great. i dont need to use the machine for anything other than running tradestation really as i already have he mac for other stuff.

i will be looking to run 2 screens with a possible 3rd at a later date.

also, would anyone recomend how and where to get ts2000i and which data feeds are being used. i know this has been covered before but seems to change....

i was also wondering about the cost for t.s as it seems to differ?

thanks in advance.


Hi b.d.

Sure, I am still using that PC and its absolutely fine (with dual head GFX).

FYI, I use IB real time data feed connected to Globalserver (part of TS2Ki) via Hypertrader 3.0. Because I am limited to 100 symbols on my IB data feed, I also use Yahoo end of day data (for swing analysis) which feeds into Globalserver with the aid of the History Plugin which is also purchased from Hypertrader.

I think Belfan 'obtained' TS2Ki recently so maybe he is well placed to advice re availability?

Anyway, hope this helps.

thanks to you both, going to investigate the ts and data feed possibility's but pretty clear on the machine spec now(and its not as expensive as i first thought:))


whilst i am guessing this is suspect would anybody have an opinion or be able to make use of this?

it would appear a very cost effective way of obtaining TS 2000i.

no such thing as a free lunch....or is there:confused:
Hi, just wanted to ask if the above spec was still ok as im looking to get a pc (currently running mac) and set it up for use with tradestation. my pc knowledge is a little limited so any advice would be great. i dont need to use the machine for anything other than running tradestation really as i already have he mac for other stuff.

i will be looking to run 2 screens with a possible 3rd at a later date.

also, would anyone recomend how and where to get ts2000i and which data feeds are being used. i know this has been covered before but seems to change....

i was also wondering about the cost for t.s as it seems to differ?

thanks in advance.


If you are sill looking, my advice is to go for Intel C2D CPU. Intel is currently the performance king.

There are a couple of new C2D processors just released - the E8200 (2.66 Ghz) and E8300 (3.0 Ghz). Both have 6 Mb Level 2 cache and are very reasonably priced for what you get.

For some applications, the large cache can make a big difference.
And the 8X00's run cooler so they'll be great in tropical Queensland, Florida, and the Caribbean (where all traders live :))