gosh - this has been busy while I've been at work! The description of chart construction - 'extend in current direction as first choice, only check for reversal if the existing column doesn't extend by one or more boxes' - is correct for H/L charts. You are charting one bar at a time, so to speak, ie one set of O, H, L and C info for a chosen period... to see what happens over the course of a day you want intraday data and to chart based on the OHLC of each X minute period... pick your own X to suit how 'granular' (good word, well picked <g>) you want it to be. The docs with Pfscan explain the chart construction method. Again this'll look like an advert, but Pfscan includes a signal tester, that is still being developed further, to see how signals work out in practise... the current V2.79 'trades' all signals, the update I'm working on adds a few things to this and being able to select the signals to trade is - I hope - soon going to be up and running in there too.
To find 'failed' triple tops, for example, you'd run the tester and open the CSV file it generates (there are commentary logs output as well, outlining where 'decisions' are taken) and sort alphabetically to get the Triple tops - you'd then check the returns generated by your chosen exit tactic (short list of things like stops and retracements, V2.80 has ATR based exits, not in 2.79) and a 'good' failure would be tested to see that the T.Top had peaked at/near the signal level, then dropped a 'good' percentage say.
I trade large caps with P&F - darned infrequently over the past year due Pfscan etc admittedly - but my preferred spectrum of stocks is basically the FT350 (preference for the 100, but I will take a 250 share that looks good) and a group I made up from the US market that is mainly the top two or three stocks by mkt cap in each of around 50-60 sectors. Most of what I trade is longer term, held beyond a year sometimes, or as little as a week if the signal plays out quickly, and probably in the top 150 or so of the UK or US market by cap.