Overall Rankings


How about setting up an overall ranking for the arcade? Maybe add up each person's ranking for all 22 (currently) games. The person with the lowest overall ranking is 1st etc.
If someone hasn't played a particular game then their ranking is current players on that game +1 etc.

I think that it would encourage people to play all of the games.

Just a thought.

Also, can people be done for libellous comments? I noticed that someone has accused me of cheating on one of the high score lists. I can categorically say that I never have and never will cheat. I have a laptop that is less than a year old and so is as quick as everyone else's and java runs very fast. Too fast for things like curveball and minecar. I just work shifts / weekends and so have more time to spend on the games. It took 3 hours (sad I know) to beat the curveball high score.

bloody hell Edster.. fine selection of trophies you got there!!!

have you seen the lovely sunshine outside? 😱:
FetteredChinos said:
bloody hell Edster.. fine selection of trophies you got there!!!

have you seen the lovely sunshine outside? 😱:

Don't get to see the sunshine working 12 hour shifts in a cold office with tinted windows.

Well, I thought 150K on Space Invader is enough. Now I saw Edster made it to 400K. Congrats to you 😉 I'd be drop dead boring play it to 400K LOL 😀 Let see if Edster will take the MineCar too 😢
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firedave said:
Well, I though 150K on Space Invader is enough. Now I saw Edster made it to 400K. Congrats to you 😉 I'd be drop dead boring play it to 400K LOL 😀 Let see if Edster will take the MineCar too 😢

Any other tips for Mine Car BTW?
Get out more lad

FetteredChinos said:
bloody hell Edster.. fine selection of trophies you got there!!!

have you seen the lovely sunshine outside? 😱:

Bring out your Boy Scout badges and Cornflake Box medals and we could top his trophy list
( I will throw in my 1967 twenty five yard swimming certificate) :cheesy:
james6848 said:
Any other tips for Mine Car BTW?

I don't realy understand how but I think loaded up your processor and use slow internet connection can made the MineCar running quite slow. Just my two cents 🙂
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firedave said:
Well, I thought 150K on Space Invader is enough. Now I saw Edster made it to 400K. Congrats to you 😉 I'd be drop dead boring play it to 400K LOL 😀 Let see if Edster will take the MineCar too 😢

No chance with me and Minecar. I'll try the loading the processor idea though. Maybe run 10 Minecar sessions at once?!

I didn't do the Space Invaders all in one sitting - thankfully there's a pause on it unlike Breakout which bored the tits off me.

To be honest though I'm a bit bored of these 22 (only) games and have ventured further afield in my quest for world domination.


On another site I've got 104 out of 111 but to be honest there's only about 4 or 5 people that play on it.

The Brawl-Hall one (with over 400 games) is a bit more challenging and it'll take a LONG time to even play all of the games once let alone get in the top 10.


Still, one more night to waste...
Edster said:
To be honest though I'm a bit bored of these 22 (only) games and have ventured further afield in my quest for world domination.


On another site I've got 104 out of 111 but to be honest there's only about 4 or 5 people that play on it.

The Brawl-Hall one (with over 400 games) is a bit more challenging and it'll take a LONG time to even play all of the games once let alone get in the top 10.


Still, one more night to waste...

Yes, more games please. I'd personally like some platform-y ones
Well, now I saw Edster join MineCar hall of fame LOL 😀 The race now between three of us, bluewave, edster and me. Maybe I should bail out ? 😕
I tried to overload the processor again after Bluewave took top spot but it didn't work! Oh well.

Still, while we wait for Sharky to add more games there's always

teenfront.co.uk and brawl-hall.com arcades. I've no idea what the forums are about I just joined for the arcades! Teenfront needs some new blood. I've got all 111 titles so a bit of decent competition wouldn't go amiss. Brawl-Hall is just bizarre.