Our Nan

Disagree! Not a troll

T2W is the ideal safety valve for all sorts of people with all sorts of problems and IMO, provides an important opportunity for self-therapy ...

Even the saddest of souls can find his niche here! All are welcome without prejudice ...

Ha! dream on


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what a load of rubbish

Tripped over this web site...Au.Tr.Sy blog.

Good grief I can hardly believe my eyes.

There's a running performance update of around a dozen fund managers.

I see a some Turtles names in there.

And how are they doing I hear you ask.


I mean there's some dude called Eckhardt.

Another called Dunn, another called Winton, another called Abraham.

I tell you, you'd be better off pilling your money into an ISA.

Wizards, my Aunt Fanny more like it.
lions n lambs

He was going to show Nan and myself how it's done.

We did warn him.

We even showed him the failure rates.

DAY TRADING is not profitable over the long run.

It's a simple case of win some lose more.

For most people it's a simple case of lose some, lose more.

In like a lion and out like a lamb.

Ho, Ho, Ho.


Our Nans stop was hit today.

The good thing is you don't need to to be right to make money.

You just need not to lose to much of it.

Gotta go...it will take a small furniture truck to shift this load.
just wondering

My youngest sister text.

She commented on the "Negative Chav Response"....her words.

She wonders if it's got anything to do with the reduced and embarrassing financial circumstances these people parents have put them in...her words

Comments are welcome.
My youngest sister text.

She commented on the "Negative Chav Response"....her words.

She wonders if it's got anything to do with the reduced and embarrassing financial circumstances these people parents have put them in...her words

Comments are welcome.

köpeklerin duası kabul olsaydı gökten kemik yağardı

Someone asked did I make a profit in 2017.

Our Nan made a profit in 2017.

Our Nan compounds the filthy lucre in a most spectacular fashion.
Pretty Lines

They look really nice.

Different colours.

You get to choose from hundreds.

Spoilt for choice.

Everyone calls them indicators.

Everyone says they will help you make profitable trades.


No chance.


Our Nan never uses them, never, ever.

All they do is tell you what happened yesterday.
They come in three's.

Everybody has them.

Some have more than others.

They are deadly.

And there's very little you can do to get rid of them.

They go by the names...Hope, Fear, Greed.

They trip everyone up who enters the markets.

So how come they don't get our Nan.

Easy...she has so much money, she doesn't care.

Win, lose, it makes absolutely no difference to her.

And that's the reason she makes shed loads of money.

The secret...it's just funny money to Our Nan.

Has no worth at all.

A million here, a million there....what's for dinner.
They come in three's.

Everybody has them.

Some have more than others.

They are deadly.

And there's very little you can do to get rid of them.

They go by the names...Hope, Fear, Greed.

They trip everyone up who enters the markets.

So how come they don't get our Nan.

Easy...she has so much money, she doesn't care.

Win, lose, it makes absolutely no difference to her.

And that's the reason she makes shed loads of money.

The secret...it's just funny money to Our Nan.

Has no worth at all.

A million here, a million there....what's for dinner.

you are a genius at the obnoxious poems sir
an inconvenient truth.

Most truths are inconvenient to most people.

Who was Sir Reg Ansett.

Answer...a very successful businessman.

What did Sir Reg say about making money.

"One of the most difficult things in the world is turning $20 into $40 dollars.

But one of the easiest things in the world is turning $1,000,000. into $2,000,000".
not for wimps

Warning, Warning...if you are of a nervous disposition do NOT read any further!

Do you know how to read charts.

If you use pretty indicators prob NOT.

If you just read price prob YES.

The name of the game is STOP AND REVERSE.

Wimps stop reading now.


Stop hit, time to reverse.

Can you see where stop should be.

Sell 10% of accumulated profits from last Sept.

14 BUY positions, last one a loser.

Right now a 3 point profit locked in.

Open profit around 14 points.

Lets see what happens.
Not obnoxious at all, read b/w the lines!

he's poet and soothsayer

lol this is a beautiful thread 😀

theres not much between the lines mate dont be fooled by mystical-for-the-sake-of being-mystical

if you enjoy it though good for you 🙂