

One of the most interesting conversations i had that possibly influenced my decision to look in the direction that eventually led me to trading was with an elderly gentleman in 2001 on a flight from LA to NY.

I was in-between jobs returning from a month long trip around the South-West USA.
Short of leg-room in a very small chair, and part way through the flight, I asked if there were any more spacious chairs available, and was led up front by the Stewardess.

I ended up sat by this old bloke, maybe aged around 90, who was still an active business man. No idea who he was though.
He had a lot to say, and asked me what i did, what i wanted to do etc. He told me about a young bloke he'd been sat next to on a flight recently, in his late 20's with a phd in Astro-physics or something. So he'd put in some hard work and was now ready to do some major stuff.
He told me that he was a businness-man, who'd been running his own businesses, buying & selling businesses etc. for most of his working life.
He said that while these businesses may require premises, staff etc. when it came down to it, everything he needed to run his businesses was right there with him, in his brief-case (which may or may not be a good thing to tell a complete stranger 😉).
I was already an organised person anyway, but this made a lot of sense to me - being organised & keeping your operations as compact & concise as possible.

Anyway, with regard to trading -

1. You can't really find a business venture more concise. Part of what attracted me to trading.

2. Most of what i have learnt, and a lot of what i have exchanged with other traders via forum PM's & threads/posts etc. that i deemed to be of some use to towards improving my trading, i have stored on my PC in a filing system that is organised by year, and into sub-folders, sub-sub-folders etc. Along with all my system testing ideas, screenshots, back-test results, educational material, e-books acquired etc.
While the most useful & important of this information is the present stuff, and the rest is pretty much redundant now, I can track my progress back to day one. And storing it all in this way ensures that this is also useful to be able to pass onto a novice at some stage.

Whilst i can currently fairly easily remember the bulk of say 80% of the stuff that is of any importance to me at this stage, all of this work is safely backed up/stored on a 2gb flash memory stick, and is about 700mb in capacity.

Therefore i consider myself to be highly organised, and wouldn't want this any other way.

Questions -
How organised are you in how you organise & record your trading work?
And how do you think this has influenced your progress?

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I'd say I was pretty organised. Not so organised that someone could log in and continue where I'd left off but organised enough to run my business, trade, etc.
So basically, for me, being orgainsed/keeping a full record of all my work -

May slow me down in the short-term, as it is another task/hassle.

But it provides me with a permanent record that i can refer back to, to check & recall info from etc.

The alternative is to not do all this, save time in the shart term, not have any decent records of your work/progress, and be faced with the prospect of having to do/check the same task/thing time after time, as i have forgotten the previously obtained outcomes.

So overall, by not being fully organised, you may not save any time, and you have no permanent record of your work.

Its a bit like paying rent V's a mortgage - dead money (time) as opposed to an end product/portfolio to behold/pass on etc.
Your kids etc will love you for being so organised that they can step in and take advantage of all your hard work and make loads of money. Assuming your system is profitable that is ?
Your kids etc will love you for being so organised that they can step in and take advantage of all your hard work and make loads of money. Assuming your system is profitable that is ?

Yes thats always THE question isn't it.
thanks for your thorough disection of the topic. I'm sure we'll all gleen so much from your experiences.



I have no idea where anything is, I never read any ebooks or actual trading books on trading, I never have anything about trading on my PCs. I never clean my PCs. I switch on on Monday and switch off on Friday. I wake up every morning, drink lots of tea, read news feed, look at the charts to see what I can trade. I spend my day drinking more tea, smoking, cat napping, reading the web and talking on the phone. I have no idea how much I am up or down during the day, although I know whether I am up or down. Every body tells me I am a crazy SOB and I am screwed up and I never argue with them. I can't do organised and careful. I like not to think about what I am doing. If it feels right, I go for it. I can't be organised because I am sure I will lose if I tried.