Orderbook Observations

cntrl + alt and either up or down key turns screen around, still not sure of why you would need this shortcut

in this video about 15.11 you say 1600 has hit bid and it hasn't gone offer, why would this be bullish ?

IMO if the bids are hit with no one hitting the offer wouldn't this be negative in short term as no immediate buyers?

good commentary btw

not going to do many more of these they are a ball ache to edit and stuff. This one has what happened right from the open until I close my first trade.

31 1 12 fromOpen - YouTube

introduction frst 2 mins, then why I am bearish at 2:30, an order that I pull at 10:00, and the trade happens at 13:50.

got proper commentary this one u gayz!
island reversal

(maybe graphs will mean more lulz?


  • ZN 03-12 (1440 Min)  01_02_2012.jpg
    ZN 03-12 (1440 Min) 01_02_2012.jpg
    71.9 KB · Views: 253
i'd say facing up the hill as it is harder to go up (10mph) than it is going down (15mph)

so to translate the path of least resistance would be up as someone is soaking up all the bids hence greater resistance on the bid

was finkin about way 2 explain this and came up wiv this one:

imagine u r in a car wiv all teh windows blacked out. all u can see is rev counter and speedo. you see that it takes 3.5k revs to go forward 10mph, but same amount of revs in reverse makes you go 15mph.

which way are you facing on the hill?
You brought it twice?

Very funny, whoever you are. Certainly, you are not a customer.

Feel free to post the details here. Why not start off with proof of purchase, copies of your complaint to me and details of why you'd actually buy a piece of software 2 times.

Should be fun.
why did camembert get banned they were great vids?

not sure.
Looked like an interesting thread. I guess posts have been deleted from the thread that would have explained the banning?.......
Vids have been deleted too, although, I know someone who downloaded them as he liked them
yeah good job on deleting the vids. What happened to them? Looks like he deleted them and got banned? Nice to know these "quality" vids were here for a month only. lol.