Optiver Traders

if people didnt apply to every place that got into some legal trouble, people wouldn't be applying to nearly all the banks (treasury fraud), SAC, Citadel, etc.
Hey everyone,
I got an interview coming up for optiver, was hoping someone that's been through the process before could give me some insight.

through me a PM if needed.
Hello everyone,
I passed the math tests today, got an interview coming up next week. I applied for a position as trader assistant. Could anyone tell me what to expect during the interview process? Can be by PM or in this thread. Thanks in advance
Hello everyone,
I passed the math tests today, got an interview coming up next week. I applied for a position as trader assistant. Could anyone tell me what to expect during the interview process? Can be by PM or in this thread. Thanks in advance

How did the interview go? Were you accepted as a Trader Assistent? 👍 :?:
optiver process:

3 maths test

first-need 48 points, 80 questions, quick arithmetric with fractions and decimals, 1 point for every question you ANSWER(right or wrong), minus 2 for each wrong(note:this works out to #right - #wrong > 48)

second-patterns, very hard, need 22 out of 25, 1pt for each right


first round phone-know what market making is and have a good reason for wanting to trade, know basics of options

last round-amsterdam
first hour-hr and trainee guy willl get in your face and try to get you to be uncomfortable, just stay calm and confident and have good answers for what if questions, mostly stuff like whhat are you gonna do if fifth day after training you suddenly lose a bunch of money

second hour-technical interview with 2 traders, lotss of brainteasers, know your options and greeks, and market making game know your position and where itd be most profitable and try to game them with the spreads you give

last hour-sit at desk with trader then lunch, sucked because i knew i ****ed up the second hour too badly to get an offer