Hi there I am very new to option trading infact I am in paper trading stage ! How much is options-direct charging to trade per contract/trade?and another question I am cautious with my trading and I am only trading deep in the money index options to take advantage of the movements in the market . is this a wrong strategy? should I get more involved with stardlles, spreads etc. Thanks
well I am watching my charts putting my stops and applying them when they hit. As I am on the paper trading stage doing it about a month now my returns are around 25%. what do you mean by vol model? I did say I am novice...depends if you know what you're doing. is your vol model ok?
You're right but I've just started trading july puts on the ftse index and all the deep itm options not moving enough to cheer me up since yesterday so it's definetly not close to 1 at the moment. For example ftse was down 48 points yesterday and I bought the puts when down 8 points but my put option only went up by 20p bid. i thought it would go up by at least 30. Is this because july options have longer to run and more expensive? Another question; is it wise to take the profit quickly and get out if you've taken a position like the one above cause you might start suffering from time erosion in the second week of option.(trading 2 5850 july puts on ft index) thanks for your time to replyare you pricing your options or just trading the numbers on the screen? options trading is HUGELY different to trading cash/futures as it has so many inputs to give you the option price. fundamentally volatility and the greeks. if you have any aspirations of trading optiosn i suggest you familiarise yourself with these things.
if you're trading deep ITM stuff you're effectively trading the underlying as it will have a delta close to 1.
so you're trading OTM puts? with a remarkably low delta.....i.e the price isn't going to change much with a movement in the underlying.
if you're trading OTM stuff miles away from the money then you're buying yourself protection and unlikely to make money unless there is a large move in the underlying.
june expires today. yes, your theta (or decay) begins to kick in closer to expiry.
ooo ok thanks for enlightning me there perhaps I should be studying my greeks more so in this case what level would give me delta of 100? 5900 5950?ok I see. that's not deep in the money. for example 100 ticks away form the money is a 60 delta still.
600+ ticks away from the money and you're in the 90's for the delta.....
re you pricing your options or just trading the numbers on the screen? options trading is HUGELY different to trading cash/futures as it has so many inputs to give you the option price. fundamentally volatility and the greeks
As someone who is fairly new to the world of options trading, I'd appreciate any imput from more experienced options traders.
Which brokers offer decent options fees/online trading software.
Any thoughts on more sophisticated options spreads - butterflies, condors etc.
Any good options pricing software available.
Other options trading strategies anyone here employs.
What people trade - Index options, share options, currencies, bonds, commodities ?
Maybe worth adding to this thread, you never know, some may find it useful...
Thanks in advance.