Options trading partner sought or Quant trader needed


Options trading partner and/or Quant trader needed... If you are looking to pool-in for options trading... I'm tired of trading 5, 10, or 20 contracts being small trader... If we can partner with multiple options traders (lets say 4 or 5 traders), all of us pool-in then we can buy large quantities of contracts = large profits and of-course losses are limited to what we put in on a trade. I'm mostly into strategies which are limited investment and provide unlimited profit potential.

Buying CALLs or PUTs and closing positions before expiration. No one can guarantee profits... but i think we can put our heads together and pull two or three successful large profitable trades. That's all we will need in a year.

A bit about myself, I've several years of experience trading options, I've made my profits and have incurred losses as well... If you are going at it alone daily trading options or stocks with limited cash and all on your own, it limits your ability to profit significantly more than what you are already making (if any). I'm sure you are doing fine with 5% or 10% profit but there's always more that could be made.

I'm sure many here on this forum will rant at me or may not like my post... However, all I need is 4 or 5 traders who agree with me that only way to make it in this market is to trade big, like big banks. If you know anyone who is a Quant trader or already has hihg-frequency algorithm / system then that would be great to bring that person on-board for trading expertise.

If interested in partnering with me then please send an email or reply to my thread. Thanks in advance for reading.
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Why would trading more contracts increase profit per contract ? Will you be cornering the market like the big banks ?
Why would trading more contracts increase profit per contract ? Will you be cornering the market like the big banks ?

more contracts = more profits
share these profits with partners

no... it will not corner the market... I like to trade both sides of the market... up or down... CALLs and PUTs.
More partners = profit per contract is same

So trading more contracts will not give you more profit per person. People will have no reason to be your partner, unless you can come up with the math showing that being your partner increases profit per contract.

Maybe what you are looking for is people to hold hands with you ?
prove to us you are any good...........I am also recruiting traders as Head trader for the UAE Royal Family .....so let me know your results and performance over the last 3 years

if you know anyone who is a Quant trader or already has hihg-frequency algorithm / system then that would be great to bring that person on-board for trading expertise.

I reckon he's a g@yer and prefers speccie nerds, that wld be the only reason he wld ask ppl to join without offering them with any tangible benefit ("if we pool our resources together and your resources are so clearly bigger than mine - oo er, I can, I mean...we can be millionnaires")....daily felching doesn't count.

He's obviously very very experienced though (as a gayer), cos he trades not only CALLS but, you never guess what, PUTS as well! No mention of wrting / buying though.