Guide Options Trading Guide by Alaron

lol baring in mind this a trading forum and not a weight watchers forum and im making money and you (as you've admitted many times) have been f****d by the markets you dont realy have a leg to stand on!! How's your mate Frank Freeman??
When i signed the risk warning, i was advised options were only to be used as a hedge/covered options, which is explained. However, it was not the case, the broker at ODL Frank Freeman was using them as uncovered (naked).

You get told one thing and they do something different, without you understanding how options worked in the first place.

I hope you are making money need as much as possible for that needed liposuction surgery you said you were going to have....Maybe you can pay for Frank as well - he's a ugly Fat B*****D like you.

I could'nt careless how much you've got or making - as long as i don't look like you i'm a very happy man.
Picking on a blind man!! Big man!! Got to get back to trading (some of us having blown up our accounts) Have a lovely xmas!!!
I'm picking on you pal. Why don't you and i meet and settle this? I'll even buy you a pork pie if your hungry.
Come on then Pelzar - i'm skint and you make plenty on the markets. Are you big enough to give me your trading income this year?
Fair enough...if you never worked for ODL and your a prop trader, how you know Frank Freeman? Frank is not a Trader and is a sales broker.

Don't say you have never met him because you know he's blind, i or anyone else has never mentioned that before. Come clean pal because you have something against me on this forum like nobody elses business.

I'm guessing you work or worked along side him.
The bid/ask in options is one of the reasons I don't trade options for my account. They are a vehicle for market makers to generate cash. Most amateur traders don't come close to understanding vanilla options (here's a question - if volatility rises, what happens to your gamma? Any idea?), and those who do realise that 1) spreads are wide and 2) options keep you in positions when you really should close them, due to illiquidity and/or bid/ask.

This is very true for most stock options, but options on ETFs based on indexes are very liquid, have bid/ask spreads in pennies, and I usually find I can get a fill at the mid with no problem. They come in single dollar increments rather than every five bucks, which is also good.
This makes them a rational choice for dabbling in ETFs. Three examples are SPY (SP 500), IWM (Rus2k), and GDX (gold stock ETF based on an obscure index but which tracks the AMEX's HUI index very closely). Also, there are some liquid stocks out there with small bid/asks: NYX, the stock of the NYSE, is one.
The single dollar increments on ETF options are especially nice, as it allows you to manipulate the greeks very precisely to get whatever result you desire.
Most of the experienced investors buy the stocks with the help of the option trading as it enables the investor to save more time. The buying process is made simple with the help of the option trading. for more details visit