Options Software: OptionsOracle - alternative?

Jim Funman

Hello Everyone,

I have been lurking on this forum for a long time soaking up all the great info (there aren't enough hours in the day) and decided to add my first post.

Here we go...

I do 90% of my options trading on the FTSE 100. I like OptionsOracle (when it works) but the free Euronext data is a bit iffy. I was just wondering if anyone uses an Interactive Broker data feed with this programme and how it works?

If not, does anyone know of a programme that is as good? (I am willing to pay for it). Googling "optionsoracle alternative" or "similar to optionsoracle" hasn't turned up anything useful. Any info on the will be greatly appreciated. Keep up the good work!

In anticipation,

Like you, I primarily trade FTSE100 options.

I have developed a programme primarily for my own use that downloads Euronext Option Chains and analyses Option Strategies / Adjustments.

What are the problems with the OptionsOracle Downloads?

If you are interested in discussing further, please send me a PM.

Hi James, thanks for the reply.

You can download it for free from their website and try it yourself, when you try to download the data (^ESX, I think the symbol is) it asks to the effect "You want FTSE 100?" click yes, and it then says "You want FTSE 100?" yes... then it asks "You want FTSE 100?" Yes..."You want FTSE 100?" YES!!!... until you go insane or give up on it. It works really well with the American stuff though, the online strategy tool is very useful. But that doesn't even attempt to do UK data (no option on the drop down menu). What am I doing wrong?

I was going to try the Interactive Broker feed but just wanted to make sure someone has got it to work before I spend any money. I be keen to know more about your programme, is it similar to Visual Options Analyser? Have you used VOptions?

Without software to do what-if scenarios a to see the effects of time and volitility, I feel I am fighting with one arm tied behind my back. My basic methods work but I'm sure I could finesse a decent percentage more out of my trades.

Many thanks
Thanks for all you help, I will look into the links.

What I would really want is for OptionsOracle to work with the FTSE data! 😱) Short of that, I would like a download, stand alone program that fetches the data with the visuals of optionoracle. I like to see the risk graph and be able to play with them to see if they are any realistic options quickly.

Any more advice would be greatly appreciated!
Just looked at 4-5 different threads on this forum and it seems no one has been able to come up with a satisfying answer, fingers crossed I find something.

Could someone that uses OptionVue have a quick look at OptionsOracle and give a brief list of features and pro and cons? Perhaps a big as, I know! OptionVue may be the "best" but it is definitely out of my budget. It might be good but good enough to warrant the price? Can anyone tell me what all the fuss about?

I use options oracle with IB. IB isn't the speediest source of info, so I use cboe more.
IB also does not provide open interest with their API feed. Shocking, that one of the
Main indicators of liquidity is not available. You can use average volume instead, but really IB,
What are you thinking?

Hello Everyone,

I have been lurking on this forum for a long time soaking up all the great info (there aren't enough hours in the day) and decided to add my first post.

Here we go...

I do 90% of my options trading on the FTSE 100. I like OptionsOracle (when it works) but the free Euronext data is a bit iffy. I was just wondering if anyone uses an Interactive Broker data feed with this programme and how it works?

If not, does anyone know of a programme that is as good? (I am willing to pay for it). Googling "optionsoracle alternative" or "similar to optionsoracle" hasn't turned up anything useful. Any info on the will be greatly appreciated. Keep up the good work!

In anticipation,
Did you manage to find anything comparable to OptionsOracle? I'm in the same boat...


I eventually took the plunge and bought VOptions and ran it on 64bit Windows 7, very glitchy. It would crash more often than not, I was gutted as I had high hopes for it. I emailed the tech support about a patch or upgrade etc and I am still waiting for an answer to this day. OptionsOracle is ok for as far as it goes.

James contacted me when I intially posted about the software he developed. He sent a screen shot and it look pretty comprehensive. If you contact him, he may still have it and been improving it. There is a reasonable one off cost involved for the software and to join a users group if I recall but things may have changed since then.

Thanks for the info Blister, I'm glad to hear CBOE have started FTSE 100 data feeds I need. I'll go and find it now, thanks again for your help.
OptionsOracle is ok for as far as it goes.

Also, the source code for OptionsOracle has been released, and some of the issues that the website download version had have been resolved by volunteering programmers since.

I also plan to have a look at it and see if I can restore some of the functionality or even add features.
Yes, I have the code and even converted the IB handler to VB. It's good code. C however is not my area of expertise and I found it to time consuming to sort. A person with good C knowledge and a keen interest in Options however, it'd be a different story.

I'm making the most of Hoadley tools and IB right now, but decided to try and roll some of my own in VB using the IB API and things learnt from the OO code. I have it reading prices, but not much else yet! I've love an OO where you could test the strategy and say, 'trade this in IB' and it loads the order for you. Would actually be quite easy if you knew the code. The OO IB connector uses a third party IB api which is now a bit out of date.
Genuine thanks this time for the info on the open source OO, I didn't know about that.

Thanks Gents/Ladies! 👍
Home Made Software

Yahoo is the only place I know to get free option quotes. I download 8000 symbols a day with my own software. Attach is a screenshot of my charts. Tell me what you think of it


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