Options On Currency


how would i go about trading put/call options on forex i have been looking on the web but apart from ig index i can find no other brokers who will trade forex options, i have been told that they trade on the NY exchange, but i can find nothing about forex the same goes for CBOE , ( lots about stocks and indexes )

if anybody knows where i can trade forex options , could you please let me know,

also does anyone know if there are ticker symbols for forex options like there are for stock & index options so i can check current prices, i use esignal.
Not exhaustive but....

The first link below is one that alludes to forex options that came from a list of posts from the last link ( Pick out those that refer to forex options since the search engine has mixed up forex iptions with forex results and option results.





Happy reading 😉
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thanks neil , basically the same as i came up with , you would of thought the biggest traded mkt in the world would have had call/put options available , looks like i am stuck with ig index.
currency options?

The CME trades options on all traded currency. They trade 7am - 2pm central time. I wasn't sure of your time zone. If you would like some info, message me and I can give you some info on local IB's to talk to. Plus you'll have your's truely putting the orders into the pits for you. 😱