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Still awaiting a respnse to my query above. Surely someone on here has been on the Optionetics course, or at least knows someone who has.
Yes, I have been on the optionetics course and I know plenty of people who have, but that's not what you asked:
"Has anyone who has been on the 2 day seminar been able to take advantage of this guarantee or have you all made back 3 times the cost ?"
When I went on the course they were not offering this guarantee and I think this guarantee may only have been introduced quite recently so there may not yet have been the opportunity for anyone to claim on it. Hence the scarcity of response.
I would doubt very, very much that they are getting kick-backs from Halewood or anyone else - Optionetics people would be more interested reviewing the trades you'd done to make sure you'd largely followed their strategies.
They are a straight bunch of people (I've nothing to do with their organisation, by the way).
I know of 2 people who went on the course and subsequently blew their accounts. Probably there fault rather than Optionetics as they had been having a long losing run trading stocks before going on the course
I signed up and paid for the course. After I had a look at the videos I decided not to attend and they gave my money back no problem.
Not too sure about peoples level of knowledge about option pricing and strategies, but I am sure most people would agree with me when I suggest that the best starting block would be to buy a copy of "Option Volatility & Pricing" by Sheldon Natenberg. It really is the industry standard as a pretext to further development, should retail for around £40 (a vast reduction on the price of the course).

My 2p (although I have not attended the course myself) is buy the book and invest some time before you invest your money.
Natenberg is a "must read". Not an easy read, but everything is very well explained and can be read over and over. Currently from £27.22 at Amazon.


For those starting out I'd read "Options Plain and Simple" first, by Lenny Jordan as a good primer from £12 on Amazon:


Or do one of the free on line courses:

Anybody have any information (good/bad) about this outfit? Has anybody attended their seminar etc?
have attended, years ago the initial seminar.
usual stuff about how you make a lot of money. ( although it may actually may be true, as they teach options trading ).
americans - so expect lots of hee-hah, in-your-face "I was once broke, in debt, then suddenly, I now make thousands a day" type stuff.

Did attend the first part of the paid seminar ( you can leave before noon and get money back ).

Cost then was around £2000,
The room was full. Had about 300 plus people.
Thats £600,000 !!!!
The seminar is one-way-talk. Too many students, for anyone to put their hands up and say "I dont understand this, please explain again".

did finally learn options, by reading books, for total of £350 or so.
am talikg to Berkeley futures for options account. very helpful people. bit expensive with charges. But they hold your hand while you get your bearings. I like them.

overall impression of Optionetics - course sausage factory. You are just a number.
my view only.

however, their website, www.optionetics.com is very useful, most of the teachings are there for free !!!!!
Trendie - Thanks for the reply I went to Manchester for their free day -which as you say was all heehaah and "guaranteed success" and similar format to "Russ Whitney" property seminars and the course items were bound in the same type of material. I let the lesgs do the talking.
High pressure if you sign now then its for £1500 otherwise USD 3500.
Thanks for the sound advise.

I did their first UK course-maybe 100 people,most of us sharing the cost,so only shelling out £750.Options can be hugely complicated -I've been trading them since 2000. I understand the Greeks,most of the strategies(there are hundreds),and have a broker who was a market maker for 16 years,so I have some advantages.The latest (and in my opinion highly suspect)massive move in the ftse caught me out,and Sept. became a losing month. Yes you can make money trading options,and if you've half a brain with charting,then futures and equity options can be profitable. The hard part of any trading is predicting market direction-all trading systems work in hindsight. Shares are for wimps!
Optionetics course

I took the course a couple of years ago. It was very informative and instructive about the many idiosyncrasies of trading of options. It seemed primarily geared to the novice trader who could trade options with capital as small as a few hundred dollars. But it also taught many advanced techniques for trading options. For the basic seminars (for life) it was around 2000 USD, but in order to utilize all of their techniques, you needed to subscribe to their web site for around $600 per year. Additionally they sold charting software and newsletter services for about another $1000 per year. They did offer a conditional money back guarantee for their seminar fee......which I did receive about 8 months ( and numerous losing trades) later.

Their systems work for bullish, bearish, volatile or flat markets. The problem is that you have to guess correctly which one is applicable. Options are very directional in their nature and are basically leveraged bets on stock direction. Trading options can be expensive too. A commission of $19 for a $200 option contract, per side, can eat you alive. This course failed me because they failed to show me that market analysis was more important than the option techniques they taught. If I had a better understanding of technical analysis before I took the course, I might have been more successful.

A word of caution before enrolling in any course is to see what they are marketing. In addition to the basic seminar they offered: (for large additional fees) numerous advanced seminars, charting software, their web site software and various different newsletters that offered option trading suggestions. I found their newsletters to be profitable less then 50% of the time.

Their instruction on options is good, but very expensive. Be aware of what they are marketing and that you must subscribe to their web site to fully utilize their techniques. Don't expect to be a profitable option trader just by learning their basic course material. There is alot more involved to be a profitable trader.
I am always happy to talk about options-it's my livelihood. Education can be expensive,but lack of it even more so. Psychology is 90% of trading,so once you've mastered the technicals there's a whole other world of bamboozlement. This year's hedge fund return in the US is 3% I'm told-yet the market has shot up-hard to explain to an outsider. Sept and Oct were losing months for me,yet if I'd sat on my hands for 4 days I'd be massively in profit-funny game,life.