Optionetics Seminars


Hi to all

I have just found this site and in the half hour I have spent reviewing it I am impressed. I am fairly new to trading and am currently seeking to educate myself as much as possible.

I recently attended a presentation from a company called Optionetics in Perth, Western Australia who offered a two day seminar for around AUD$4000. This seemed a bit steep so I would be interested to know if any of you have attended one of these seminars or know anyone that has and what you/they thought.

AFH - welcome to t2w.

There is quite a bit about Optionetics (and other courses!) on these boards.

The best way to find it all is to hover over the red 'Discussion' button at the top of the page - click on the 'Search for a post' option and then in the resultant search from, enter 'Optionetics' (without quotes) in the search field and personal preference is to click the 'show results as' POSTS rather than the default 'thread' mode.

Happy hunting.

And as a quick and very IMHO only mode - probably not worth the effort to attend if you're an experienced trader, but if you want some background, why not. Just pull up your hard-sell defences...
Optionetics are an honest company as they give refund if you leave the seminar on the frst morning.
Howver their price is too high for what they are giving - a good education about what Options are.
What they can't give - and which are the only important things- is how to reach an opinion about the market and how to trade it once you do. All that they teach you can get in some of the option books that are much cheaper.
Optionetics Seminar

StockMarketGenie said:
AFH - Contact me if you want some feedback on Optionetics course that I did in Perth WA!

Just newly registered. Will like to get some feedback on the optionetics seminar. I am trying to decide between that and investools.I attended the first part of the investool workshop. Cost two thousand US dollars and that was mainly on stocks.They are asking for twenty thousand dollars more for the total options package. That includes seminars , website access for 2yrs, 30 online coaching sessions, plus free hotline access for two years. Anybody out there knows anything about them?.
awayfromhome said:
Hi to all

I have just found this site and in the half hour I have spent reviewing it I am impressed. I am fairly new to trading and am currently seeking to educate myself as much as possible.

I recently attended a presentation from a company called Optionetics in Perth, Western Australia who offered a two day seminar for around AUD$4000. This seemed a bit steep so I would be interested to know if any of you have attended one of these seminars or know anyone that has and what you/they thought.

Hi awayfrom home,

I was also doing a search on them myself yesterday and the general consensus seems to be - stay away. After reading so many posts on this subject it seems most of the posters (especially the experienced traders) suggests that you could get the same education by reading several good book on options, instead of attending the seminar. Also search the archives at elitetrader.com for more on optionetics.

$4000 is also very pricey (I'm in S'pore). I've been to a lot of options seminar previews in S'pore and I would say I've not seen a single one that was credibly teaching you practical trading skills that will make you a consistently profitable trader. A lot of misinformation was given out (see the thread on "What's worng with this idea - writing covered calls") to make you think its easy. Some of the options "gurus" have not even had practical trading experience of more than 3 years, and one of them hailing from Austrialia, that had very good credentials in the options trading line, was accused of fraudulent behaviour in New Zealand for conning an elderly man!

Often they like to talk about how trading will bring you financial freedom, being able to quit your job and trade fulltime, etc to entice you to join. I was led to believe them at first, but a good thing I was with a friend who was more level-headed than me and advised me to wait and do more research before signing. I have now come to realise that trading is a long, difficult "job" that needs a lot of work and perseverence, and I'll be glad just not to lose my capital when I start trading. I think of all the experienced institutional traders I'm going up against and I get a dose of reality. However its something that suits my character, so I've decided to go all out to learn it.

I wish you success in your search!
I think if you are a beginner the Optionetics is a great seminar! Or if you only know about writing covered calls. Going on any course SPEEDS up the learning process PLUS you get to meet some of your peer group and stay in touch. Trading options can be a lonely thing. I've done the Optionetics 2 day course and what I like about it, is, you can resit for free as many times as you want. What I don't like about it is the amount of 'software' pushing that happens. You DON'T need to get advanced get (esignal.com) or optiongear! Platinum (their own online software is pretty neat) but there are free or cheaper substitutes available.

I always say, wherever you learn and whatever you learn, you need to adapt it to your personality. There's no way anyone can follow another person's exact system! The beauty of human nature 😎
I won the complete Optionetics package (Cds+manuals+videos) from eBay for a fraction of the seminar price. If you want the material but don't want to pay the full price, I would recommend bidding on eBay for it.

Good luck.
I see no reason to rubbish Optionetics-George and Tom are both first rate options traders. What you pay for in the course is a bit of 'hand holding' a lot of common sense and a good idea of what the mistakes are. Optionetics do not like covered calls because the risk is in the stock,they teach good options strategies that work time and again. You could read this stuff,but for a great many people options are hard to get your head around-I've tried to teach some smart people who just 'didn't get it'. Optionetics is very worhtwhile-education costs money,but lack of education costs even more.
I'm satisfied with the Optionetics package that I bought. I was a bit suspicious against the hard selling style, but I figured that that's just the way they do business. After all, as one can return to the seminar again and again, they make their money from selling extras and from getting new customers.