"Opportunities in Forex Calendar Trading Patterns"

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Like most of you, I got an email from T2W advertising this PDF. Has anyone actually bought it ?? I note that the research only goes back 7 years so I am a little sceptical as to how useful the monthly patterns can be (as the patterns are only based on 7 Januarys, 7 Februarys, etc.), but I guess the day of week patterns may have some value.

However, in their free excerpt of the book they identify the three strongest patterns in their reseatch as AUD/JPY to fall in January (it rose this January), USD/CAD to fall in June (it rose this June) and USD/JPY to fall in August.... so I'm not too optimistic ! Maybe you're supposed to take a contrarian view to their findings 😉
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Yes rjay, I bought it, but haven't looked at it yet, apart from a brief skim over... 😉

It's only £50 odd and the way I see it, it's worth that even if it shows there isn't any seasonal trends worth following, just for saving my time in looking into it. :cheesy:

You're spot on about some of the "major" trend conclusions being wrong this year so far, so I guess the update in Jan will be interesting. Also, I can't remember the technical name for it, probably some Latin thing or whatever, but if you look backwards through raw numbers, you can always find patterns if you have enough data.

I won't knock it before reading it though and as I said, I'd rather pay £50 odd to read through someone else's work research than lose the time working it out for myself. Not when there's so much good tv I could be watching! 😆

If no one else does, I'll come back with an update once I've read it. 😉
Joined: 07 Feb 2005
Posts: 59


PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:05 pm Post subject: BOOK OPPORTUNITIES IN FOREX CALENDAR TRADING PATTERNS Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
Very Intresting book about the seasonals tendencies in the forex market, greatest research made by the autor, about the best probabilities in the move
of the currency pairs at specifics time in the future, give us a better probabilities, that the move goes in a determine way, the analysis made it
isdeeper and you have patterns for months, for days in months, the percentage probabilites to go up or down in the currency pairs and the crosses, have actualized data, to last day of 2005 and cometaries, is there
is convinient or not to go with the move, with the average pip move and
the spread of all the currency pairs
A good an innovative book for the currency traders, with very usefulls ideas
and it will be intresting is the autor writes a second edition, with some techniques aplicable to all the data showed in this book
Maybe I'll be tempted before the deadline, but perhaps it creates a self-fulfilling prophecy situation!
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Yes rjay, I bought it, but haven't looked at it yet, apart from a brief skim over... 😉

It's only £50 odd and the way I see it, it's worth that even if it shows there isn't any seasonal trends worth following, just for saving my time in looking into it.

Is £50 above for ebook or hardcopy ?

Found this source on Google. *

Information: webinar video on site.
Cost: ebook - $49 (£32) - 30/Sep/2015.


* I have no commercial connection with this book and the link is posted as general information.