Opening account on IG Trading


I always wanted to learn about trading, and for the past year o so that's what I have been doing, trying to learn something new everyday. I tried some demo accounts on different brokers (CMC Markets, IG, Avatrade..) .

I think I am ready to start with real money, and I was thinking to open an account on IG. I like the website/app and it's very easy to use. I also like CMC Markets but they don't offer options, which is what I am going to start with.

Looking to some old posts, looks like some people got an application decline on IG due to low income, so here is the question, should I lie? Will they check it? will I be in trouble?
I dont want to open an account and then when I make some money and I want to withdraw it I get questioned about my bank, my income and stuff like that.
I don't even know why they so bothered about it since we should be class as retail investors so we can't lose more than what we have in our account, plus, you can't open a position if you dont have enough funds in your account.

Anyone has eny experience with IG

Thank you