T tanglin Newbie Messages 7 Likes 0 Oct 30, 2003 #1 Anyone know of and recommend any (free!) software for Linux which can be used for simple analysis, charting of price trends, etc.?
Anyone know of and recommend any (free!) software for Linux which can be used for simple analysis, charting of price trends, etc.?
O oatman Senior member Messages 2,879 Likes 22 Oct 30, 2003 #3 Might help. You can get Excel type stuff out of this http://www.openoffice.org/
T tanglin Newbie Messages 7 Likes 0 Oct 31, 2003 #4 I was also thinking of something which would bring in price data too.
Sharky Staff Messages 5,950 Likes 614 Oct 31, 2003 #5 Tanglin, Have a look at SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/softwaremap/trove_list.php?form_cat=77 You're bound to find some opensource charting package here, such as Qtstalker - commercial software you could do a lot worse than having a search on google.
Tanglin, Have a look at SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/softwaremap/trove_list.php?form_cat=77 You're bound to find some opensource charting package here, such as Qtstalker - commercial software you could do a lot worse than having a search on google.
T tanglin Newbie Messages 7 Likes 0 Oct 31, 2003 #6 Thanks Paul, that seems to work. Do you know how I can get UK prices into it?