Request to moderator to close the thread
"Hey Chump, a thread to be proud of..." I have said objectivity is hard to find,you didn't believe it first time so I doubt you will on this occasion. For clarity, this is not personal ,it's not friendly, it;'s not unfriendly. It's supposed rational adults attempting to discuss matters of mutual interest without giving or taking offence. Why am I not surprised that this is so difficult to do? People have so little acceptance of themselves and assume others are the same and before you know it bunfights ensue. The lack of control is what you see above.
The thread was to stimulate some thought and debate on issues of interest and to do so in a rational manner.In fact the latter "rational" ,or the ability to reason impersonally was at the heart of the thread. Some of these issues are being discussed elsewhere and from the reactions to date it's better that they are left there.
With only a couple of exceptions people came along ,scooped up the data they were already looking for, shaped it into a nice square block and as usual fitted same into a nice round hole. Hence , the journey from this particular basement ends in the adjoining cellar with the elevator operator unmotivated to want to convert lateral movement into vertical movement.
Moderator as the person starting the thread do I have the ability to request it's closure? If so,please do. Thank you.
"Hey Chump, a thread to be proud of..." I have said objectivity is hard to find,you didn't believe it first time so I doubt you will on this occasion. For clarity, this is not personal ,it's not friendly, it;'s not unfriendly. It's supposed rational adults attempting to discuss matters of mutual interest without giving or taking offence. Why am I not surprised that this is so difficult to do? People have so little acceptance of themselves and assume others are the same and before you know it bunfights ensue. The lack of control is what you see above.
The thread was to stimulate some thought and debate on issues of interest and to do so in a rational manner.In fact the latter "rational" ,or the ability to reason impersonally was at the heart of the thread. Some of these issues are being discussed elsewhere and from the reactions to date it's better that they are left there.
With only a couple of exceptions people came along ,scooped up the data they were already looking for, shaped it into a nice square block and as usual fitted same into a nice round hole. Hence , the journey from this particular basement ends in the adjoining cellar with the elevator operator unmotivated to want to convert lateral movement into vertical movement.
Moderator as the person starting the thread do I have the ability to request it's closure? If so,please do. Thank you.