Online Charting



I'm very pleased to be able to announce the newest addition to the site: - Online Charting.

The charts are end of day and provided in association with Paritech. Some of the nice features include ohlc, candlesticks, a variety of volume and price indicators and ability to compare stocks.

Initially the charts have been integrated into the share competition so that players can request a chart as well as a quote, and also view charts of their existing holdings from their portfolio page by clicking on the following icon:


(You can also view charts of other player holdings when viewing their portfolio).

To take the charts for a test drive please use the following link:

<a href="javascript:MM_openBrWindow('/info/charting.php' ,'','status=yes, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=600, height=700')">Test Drive Charts</a>

As always feedback is very welcome!

Hi Sharky

Hope your keeping well 🙂

I have to be honest and say I didn't think a charting facility would ever be on T2W - Well done 😀

Is there any plans to make them linkable into threads?
I've tried right-clicking and selecting properties, but the link given doesn't work on it's own.

Just a thought.
Hiya FTSE,

I'm good thanks, hope you're well too.

I've been thinking about clever ways to integrate the charts into the site, and one idea would be to do let members display a chart in their post just by selecting a ticker, time frame and possibly indicators.

It is possible to link straight to a chart like so:

which creates:


But it's not advisable because each time you view the image its being generated on the server, and hence will change each day (unless that's the intention) - much better to generate the chart, then take a snapshot and display that in the post... I just need to figure out how to do it!
I think this is brilliant.. however, I tried the candlesticks and they look a bit ugly.. hard to see the candles properly!
That's my only comment for now but it's a very good feature to have.. I'll definately be using it! 🙂
The standalone charting page is now online here:

You can also get to it via the menu bar -> Resources -> Online Charting


ps. Bottomdollar, glad you're finding it useful I know what you mean about the candles, but unfortunately there's no easy way to tweak them at the moment - one for the future though!
Sharky said:

I've been thinking about clever ways to integrate the charts into the site, and one idea would be to do let members display a chart in their post just by selecting a ticker, time frame and possibly indicators.... I just need to figure out how to do it!

😆 an excellent innovation, thanks Paul.

:idea: I do hope you get a bright idea of how to do it. A simple "add chart" button on threads/reply posts and/or a simple "add to post" button on chart would be ideal. But I guess it's not as easy as that!!

Thanks again.

Hi Jon,

I'll be giving it some thought over the weekend, I like your suggestion of an "add to post" button actually on the charting page itself - that would make a very nice feature.

Hi Barjon,

In fact it wasn't as hard as I thought it might be. If you now go to the standalone charting page here:

There's a new button to post the chart on the forums. What this means is you can first create a chart with any of the available options. If you then click this button, it takes you to the new thread page in the UK Shares forum, and the chart you created is automatically attached to your thread.

If anyone wants to have a test, please go ahead and I'll delete them later today.

I'll also be rolling out this to the charts on the share competition and adding a feature on the new thread page to choose a ticker and attach a chart via this method.

That's great - knew you'd come up with the goods!! Any chance
of extending it to include "reply posts as well as new threads,
or would that complicate things too much?

How about a prompt on new thread (post) page - something like
"if you want to start your thread (post) with a chart go to ....."

Even if you think these reasonable extras I've no idea how
technically complicated it might be so sorry if I'm causing too
much head scratching.


Just rolling out the "Post new chart" link on both new threads and posts - should be live by end of play tomorrow. 🙂

Chartman, who showed you the next version? 😉
Post a chart

Never made it for last night, but as of this morning you should be able to post a chart at the same time your reply to a post or start a new thread. Well, if there's a chart below you can, otherwise it's back to the drawing board :cheesy:


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