One step nearer Armageddon


Legendary member
It seems like the nuclear powers are flexing their muscles more than ever. Even N. Korea is boasting of a hydrogen bomb now. Surely WW3 is even more dangerous than climate change. One would expect world leaders to be meeting to reduce nuclear weapons before some lunatic launches theirs. It won't really matter about climate change if there is nobody left.


…As President Vladimir Putin refuses to rule out the use of nuclear weapons against ISIS terrorists, a Russian “doomsday” plane will take to the skies next week.

Experts fear the world could be only one stray missile strike away from a nuclear conflict as US, British and Russian war jets carrying out bombing raids in Syria.

Not since the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall has the threat of nuclear conflict been so high, with all sides readying their defences and attack capabilities for a possible “doomsday” event.



Last Friday the aptly-named HMS Vengeance submarine – equipped with Trident missiles with nuclear warheads – left Plymouth after a £351 million refit, the Irish Mirror reported .

Unknown to the public, and most of the sub’s crew, on board is a safe within a safe containing the British Prime Minister’s letter of last resort which can only be opened in the event of a nuclear strike on the UK.

No one has ever seen the contents but it has been reported Tony Blair “turned pale” when he signed the letter when he first became premier.

This week, Vladimir Putin ordered a Russian submarine in the Mediterranean to fire cruise missiles at ISIS in their Syrian strongholds, warning “high-precision weapons that can be equipped either with conventional or special nuclear warheads”.

The Russian President also ordered tests on an airborne strategic command centre aboard a modified Ilyushin Il-80 aircraft be speeded up as tensions with NATO member Turkey mounted.

The military superplane is said to be virtually invisible and is designed to maintain full control over Russia’s armed forces in the event of a nuclear war.

Should a conflict break out the aircraft will carry Russia’s top generals who will command the army, navy, air force and have control over a terrifying arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Aleksandr Komyakov, the director general of the research institute which designed much of the plane’s sophisticated equipment said the Il-80’s main advantage is its “invincibility”.

He said: “While command installations with known ground positions could be eliminated, an airborne command post is a target hard to disable because it shifts continuously.

“The Americans call this type of aircraft ‘doomsday planes’.”

Russia and the US are the only two nations in the world who possess such a jet but Britain has its own doomsday machines.

The Royal Navy has a fleet of four Vanguard-class submarines – Vanguard, Victorious, Vigilant and Vengeance which form the UK’s Trident nuclear programme.

At any time there is at least one sub hidden beneath the waves and the commander of each vessel has a secret order he hopes he will never have to carry out for it can mean only one thing, there is a nuclear war raging above the surface.

If the vessel cannot make contact with the UK and the captain believes the Government has been wiped out he will walk to an area of the sub that is off limits to everyone but a select few.

There he will find a locked safe containing the British Prime Minister’s letter of last resort. The document has never been seen by anyone only the serving PM as it is burned at the end of each premier’s term of office.

The document carries the instructions to the commander on what to do if the UK comes under nuclear attack and the Government is gone. Such is the secrecy surrounding this doomsday letter it is held in a safe within a safe in the bowels of the massive sub which, if needed could stay submerged for four years.

There has been much criticism of the massive amount spent on the UK’s Trident programme which has only two purposes, deterrence or total destruction.

At all times one of these 15,000 tonne vessels will be wandering the seas aimlessly deep beneath the waves waiting for an event the world hopes will never happen.

Only a handful of military commanders know any sub’s location, indeed most of the crew are totally unaware of the 150-metre vessel’s position.

After the Queen appoints a new British Prime Minister one of his first tasks is to write the letter of last resort.

Tony Blair's cabinet secretary has revealed the former Prime Minister went “quite white” on being told of the options open to him when compiling the document. In the event of a nuclear strike on the UK the commander will be faced with the horrendous task of pushing the button that would lead to the deaths of tens of millions of people.

Before he would make that decision the commander would have been out of contact with his superiors for a considerable time as well as making a series of other checks.

One of the more bizarre and quintessentially British checks being the requirement on the sub’s crew to try to tune into the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 for several days.

The assumption being if the BBC had gone off the air then civilization has broken down in the UK.
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I read last week that Pakistan can now produce dozens of nuclear bombs a year . They are even working on making smaller tactical devices.

An impoverished 3rd world country with really stupid objectives and aspirations. They are in constant danger of attack from terrorist forces in and around Pakistan.
It seems like the nuclear powers are flexing their muscles more than ever. Even N. Korea is boasting of a hydrogen bomb now. Surely WW3 is even more dangerous than climate change. One would expect world leaders to be meeting to reduce nuclear weapons before some lunatic launches theirs. It won't really matter about climate change if there is nobody left.


…As President Vladimir Putin refuses to rule out the use of nuclear weapons against ISIS terrorists, a Russian “doomsday” plane will take to the skies next week.

Experts fear the world could be only one stray missile strike away from a nuclear conflict as US, British and Russian war jets carrying out bombing raids in Syria.

Not since the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall has the threat of nuclear conflict been so high, with all sides readying their defences and attack capabilities for a possible “doomsday” event.



Last Friday the aptly-named HMS Vengeance submarine – equipped with Trident missiles with nuclear warheads – left Plymouth after a £351 million refit, the Irish Mirror reported .

Unknown to the public, and most of the sub’s crew, on board is a safe within a safe containing the British Prime Minister’s letter of last resort which can only be opened in the event of a nuclear strike on the UK.

No one has ever seen the contents but it has been reported Tony Blair “turned pale” when he signed the letter when he first became premier.

This week, Vladimir Putin ordered a Russian submarine in the Mediterranean to fire cruise missiles at ISIS in their Syrian strongholds, warning “high-precision weapons that can be equipped either with conventional or special nuclear warheads”.

The Russian President also ordered tests on an airborne strategic command centre aboard a modified Ilyushin Il-80 aircraft be speeded up as tensions with NATO member Turkey mounted.

The military superplane is said to be virtually invisible and is designed to maintain full control over Russia’s armed forces in the event of a nuclear war.

Should a conflict break out the aircraft will carry Russia’s top generals who will command the army, navy, air force and have control over a terrifying arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Aleksandr Komyakov, the director general of the research institute which designed much of the plane’s sophisticated equipment said the Il-80’s main advantage is its “invincibility”.

He said: “While command installations with known ground positions could be eliminated, an airborne command post is a target hard to disable because it shifts continuously.

“The Americans call this type of aircraft ‘doomsday planes’.”

Russia and the US are the only two nations in the world who possess such a jet but Britain has its own doomsday machines.

The Royal Navy has a fleet of four Vanguard-class submarines – Vanguard, Victorious, Vigilant and Vengeance which form the UK’s Trident nuclear programme.

At any time there is at least one sub hidden beneath the waves and the commander of each vessel has a secret order he hopes he will never have to carry out for it can mean only one thing, there is a nuclear war raging above the surface.

If the vessel cannot make contact with the UK and the captain believes the Government has been wiped out he will walk to an area of the sub that is off limits to everyone but a select few.

There he will find a locked safe containing the British Prime Minister’s letter of last resort. The document has never been seen by anyone only the serving PM as it is burned at the end of each premier’s term of office.

The document carries the instructions to the commander on what to do if the UK comes under nuclear attack and the Government is gone. Such is the secrecy surrounding this doomsday letter it is held in a safe within a safe in the bowels of the massive sub which, if needed could stay submerged for four years.

There has been much criticism of the massive amount spent on the UK’s Trident programme which has only two purposes, deterrence or total destruction.

At all times one of these 15,000 tonne vessels will be wandering the seas aimlessly deep beneath the waves waiting for an event the world hopes will never happen.

Only a handful of military commanders know any sub’s location, indeed most of the crew are totally unaware of the 150-metre vessel’s position.

After the Queen appoints a new British Prime Minister one of his first tasks is to write the letter of last resort.

Tony Blair's cabinet secretary has revealed the former Prime Minister went “quite white” on being told of the options open to him when compiling the document. In the event of a nuclear strike on the UK the commander will be faced with the horrendous task of pushing the button that would lead to the deaths of tens of millions of people.

Before he would make that decision the commander would have been out of contact with his superiors for a considerable time as well as making a series of other checks.

One of the more bizarre and quintessentially British checks being the requirement on the sub’s crew to try to tune into the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 for several days.

The assumption being if the BBC had gone off the air then civilization has broken down in the UK.

Over doing it old boy. The US have already used plutonium tipped weapons - what Bushy called tactical nuclear weapons in Iraq and this is why there are so many deformed babies there now.

So what if Russia uses them too on ISIS who'll cut your throat and mine without blinking an eye?

You can't have one rule for us and another one for them?

Let's play fair.

What humanity needs is one rule, one law that binds us all. A lil like that gold ring cast from the fires of Mount Doom.

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

All this trouble took place in middle Earth last time too...

Wouldn't lose any sleep over it. 😉
I read last week that Pakistan can now produce dozens of nuclear bombs a year . They are even working on making smaller tactical devices.

An impoverished 3rd world country with really stupid objectives and aspirations. They are in constant danger of attack from terrorist forces in and around Pakistan.
There is a good saying "of the fool can correct only the grave", and this is clearly about them 🙂
But who in reality will start a nuclear war? Please follow my thinking, its just thoughts, not ambition.....

First use of a nuclear weapon against a population centre could be a sporadic act of terrorism or a sectarian atrocity, but in neither case would sovereign nations be the likely perpetrators. And that strike would be unlikely therefore to be the opening of WWIII. There would be no enemy to counter-attack in like for like manner.

The most likely first nuclear shot has always been a tactical strike by France or the UK. This would follow the invasion of western Europe via Germany by Russia and would be aimed at Russian armoured forces. Russia's conventional ground forces would even now be probably held up only for a matter of days before they reached the middle of Germany and had the Rhine next in their sights. At that point, would we or the French wait until they crossed into French territory before using the most powerful weapon available to stop them? No, that would be unthinkable for any politician to nuke their own territory. "Better" to deploy such a weapon on the battlefields of Germany, very likely in the Fulda Gap. This assumes the US would not countenance starting WWIII to save France. (who would?)

The question then is what would Russia do? Would they deploy nukes against New York and Washington in a pre-emptive strike? No, that would definitely bring in the American ICBM force against Russian cities whereas hitting back at European NATO command and control centres and armoured deployments would win the ground war and still probably keep the US silent.

So Europe enters the Russian empire and its game over.

Our politicians have always told us any nuclear strike would come from the Soviets. That doesn't make sense; it would probably come from Lincolnshire.
A more likely scenario is N. Korea or an ISL Pakistan smuggles multiple bombs into the USA or Europe. Then threaten to detonate them if..............
I see nuclear bombs as yesterday's weapon of choice. Don't see them used unless one nation faces annihilation at the hands of another for their consideration to come into play. There are no winners in nuclear weapons. Only scenario for a victor is if one party has it and the other doesn't ie. US use against Japan.

If both parties like India and Pakistan have them, then their only hope is to deploy first in the hope of taking the others arsenal out. Chance of this is pretty much zero so their use is unlikely. Moreover, close proximity means fall out from radiation and weather patterns either way will play out like a scorpion stinging itself. We'll simply be discussing who came out worse. Only for the other survivor to exact revenge sooner or later.

Nuclear weapons are simply show of strength. There time has passed.

What will be used are biological weapons which all sides have but no one will mention them. Anybody who thinks we don't have this stuff stockpiled with anti-dotes is naive. Don't forget we sold this technology and know how to Saddam as Russia sold it to Syria.

Right now I'm sure there are plans in place with secret locations where they are stock piled ready for delivery imo.

Along with biological weapons, poisoning of water supply and food chains, cyber hacks, power line, communications or financial disruptions are far more effective in bringing any government or national order into disarray. Anarchy will prevail and all will be lost without any recourse for nuclear weapons.

Important question re: use of nuclear bombs by NATO. If one member is attacked then how far will other members go in defending one state?

Either way these days having a nuclear weapon makes one a target. We should not forget this. Their use and effectiveness are very limited.
I see nuclear bombs as yesterday's weapon of choice. Don't see them used unless one nation faces annihilation at the hands of another for their consideration to come into play. There are no winners in nuclear weapons. Only scenario for a victor is if one party has it and the other doesn't ie. US use against Japan.

If both parties like India and Pakistan have them, then their only hope is to deploy first in the hope of taking the others arsenal out. Chance of this is pretty much zero so their use is unlikely. Moreover, close proximity means fall out from radiation and weather patterns either way will play out like a scorpion stinging itself. We'll simply be discussing who came out worse. Only for the other survivor to exact revenge sooner or later.

Nuclear weapons are simply show of strength. There time has passed.

What will be used are biological weapons which all sides have but no one will mention them. Anybody who thinks we don't have this stuff stockpiled with anti-dotes is naive. Don't forget we sold this technology and know how to Saddam as Russia sold it to Syria.

Right now I'm sure there are plans in place with secret locations where they are stock piled ready for delivery imo.

Along with biological weapons, poisoning of water supply and food chains, cyber hacks, power line, communications or financial disruptions are far more effective in bringing any government or national order into disarray. Anarchy will prevail and all will be lost without any recourse for nuclear weapons.

Important question re: use of nuclear bombs by NATO. If one member is attacked then how far will other members go in defending one state?

Either way these days having a nuclear weapon makes one a target. We should not forget this. Their use and effectiveness are very limited.

Aren't you forgetting that the modern terrorist wants to die but not alone. If they can wreak destruction they will without any remorse even. Unfortunately the human psyche is fatally flawed. We will probably destroy ourselves deliberately. The only defence seems to be psychological screening of school aged children and brainwashing those that have murderous tendencies. So often after the event the guilty are described as decent, quiet, polite, humble etc. Hard to spot them then.

What a pity the USA didn't ban all other countries from having nuclear and other weapons when they could have in 1945. Feeble minded or what ?

Will the human race survive a long time into the future ?
I sincerely doubt it. Lucky to get past the next 100 years imho.
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Will the human race survive a long time into the future ?
I sincerely doubt it. Lucky to get past the next 100 years imho.
Can you now see where i was coming from when i laugh at the save the planet brigade.We will wipe ourselves out m8 and the planet will spin on developing new life.😎
Can you now see where i was coming from when i laugh at the save the planet brigade.We will wipe ourselves out m8 and the planet will spin on developing new life.😎

A bit of a challenge ahead it seems. While itsposs is having a good laugh some hopefully will be restraining the destructive fringe.
So Europe enters the Russian empire and its game over.
Russia is the only territorial empire, as rightly said Obama. Russia's economy is deteriorating. Look on economy all Europe, USA and China, and also on population of these countries (and all these countries have common interests and goals) - Russia is nothing compared to them.
Can you now see where i was coming from when i laugh at the save the planet brigade.We will wipe ourselves out m8 and the planet will spin on developing new life.😎

That new life will be the ones emerging from underground bunkers, like Kim, Trump, Putin etc. and then their clones !!
That new life will be the ones emerging from underground bunkers, like Kim, Trump, Putin etc. and then their clones !!
Kim, Putin, Yanukovych, Poroshenko and Assad, the main problem of our planet.
They really is very stupid, if not realize that not letting others live normal, they harm in the first place only to itself, since In any case they for that will get what they deserve, if not now, then definitely after life. And have by the way a good saying, if God wants to punish a person, then he will deprive him of mind, and this just about them.