Ok, so im new

If your starting from scratch the best thing to do is open up a spread betting account.....it will introduce you to placing orders, charts settings, watching charts, risk management and all sorts of stuff ……. at very little cost .... (IG index are very good at introducing new clients you can place very small bets, I think 10p on something like GBP/USD for 2 weeks) ....and then you can also do what every 1 else says and study lit.

I personally think a spread betting account where you actually place your money down is a better way of "learning" rather than paper/demo trading, where your mistakes will be pushed aside. It will teach you discipline and plus I would get bored of demo trading.

Its very hard to want to trade but not actually trade and just learn about trading .............
(If that makes sense ...I read it twice myself and I’m still not sure its right!!)

What ever you do Good Luck with that !!

dont open a spread betting account before reading the pros and cons.

This link summaries them Financial Spread Betting: Pros and Cons
Doyle: I've trained a lot of dumb guys first getting into futures over the years. Forget the books, paper trades, theories, programs, seminars, webinairs, etc. Open an account with 4-5K and buy 1 contract of Dec corn at the market. You'll understand the mechanics of futures mkts in 2 days, max. Timid? Put on a cheap bull spread...long the front month...short a distant month... 112,000# sugar contracts can't be more than $300 a spread. If you can't handle the action, future trading may not be for you.

Don't listen to this idiot, he has no idea what he is talking about. The key to successful trading is minimizing risk. Running into the market without prior experience and knowledge is like diving into a 3 ft deep pool... it's just plain stupid. You are not minimizing risk, you are welcoming it with open arms.

I would start out by reading basic investing books, such as "Investing for Dummies," which I found to be an excellent read. Then move on to "The Intelligent Investor" "One Up on Wall Street" and other infamous investing books written by the greatest investors of all time. Once you have read over the basics either start paper trading or open a FREE account on a website like TheUpDown.com, which is an online stock simulating website. No risk involved and you will gain invaluable experience.

Be patient, no need to rush into the market, especially considering how volatile it currently is. Best of luck to you!
Don't listen to this idiot, he has no idea what he is talking about. The key to successful trading is minimizing risk. Running into the market without prior experience and knowledge is like diving into a 3 ft deep pool... it's just plain stupid. You are not minimizing risk, you are welcoming it with open arms.

I would start out by reading basic investing books, such as "Investing for Dummies," which I found to be an excellent read. Then move on to "The Intelligent Investor" "One Up on Wall Street" and other infamous investing books written by the greatest investors of all time. Once you have read over the basics either start paper trading or open a FREE account on a website like TheUpDown.com, which is an online stock simulating website. No risk involved and you will gain invaluableexperience. Be patient, no need to rush into the market, especially considering how volatile it currently is. Best of luck to you!

Since you have boorishly insulted me, you doltish ignoramous, I take it I now have a tacit imprimatur to respond in kind without recrimination from your expert peers on this board. Speaking of idiots brings to mind imbeciles, i.e. you, which I believe the applicable professional organizations, i.e., psychiatrists, rate more deficient in mental capacity than idiots. You amply display your entitlement to this lower mental classification by stating, and I quote you: "Running into markets without experience and knowledge is like diving into a 3' pool...." Only an imbecile would make such a patently contradictory statement, yes? Exactly to what "experience and knowledge" are you referring? That which you gained by walking into markets, as opposed to running into markets? Or was your experience gained by reading "Investing for Dummies", of which you are eminently qualified to read? The key to successful trading, by your rather dim lights, is minimizing risk, right? Damn, and all these many years I thought the key was selling at a higher price than that at which you purchased. You pompous, supercilious ahole, you don't deserve any more of my time. Go read another book, a comic book.

You know how to use the thesaurus function in Word! Give yourself a pat on the back.

How do you suppose you sell at a higher price than at which you purchased, Einstein? Pick a stock out a hat, buy it, wait for it to go higher and then sell it? Hmm... the day that works is the day the stock market will no longer exist. Everyone does research into a company before they buy it, and by doing research what exactly are you doing my young friend...? Minimizing your risk! You ignorant fool, every article you read, every second you spend studying a company... it is all minimizing your risk.

Knowledge is power. You have no power. You, my friend, are merely a puppet at the mercy of the market, thrown around like a rag doll at its slightest will. Here is some advice:

Next time you try to sound like someone who knows what their talking about... don't.

You know how to use the thesaurus function in Word! Give yourself a pat on the back.

How do you suppose you sell at a higher price than at which you purchased, Einstein? Pick a stock out a hat, buy it, wait for it to go higher and then sell it? Hmm... the day that works is the day the stock market will no longer exist. Everyone does research into a company before they buy it, and by doing research what exactly are you doing my young friend...? Minimizing your risk! You ignorant fool, every article you read, every second you spend studying a company... it is all minimizing your risk.

Knowledge is power. You have no power. You, my friend, are merely a puppet at the mercy of the market, thrown around like a rag doll at its slightest will. Here is some advice:

Next time you try to sound like someone who knows what their talking about... don't.

My goodness, you just don't know when to leave well enough alone do you? In spite of your confirming, in spades, my assessment of your intellectual capacity, I believe I rated you imbecilic, and it being not fair to disparage imbeciles,..had you not persisting in attempting to assuage your piqued, damaged, insecure ego by denigrating me, I might have utterly ignored you, for no other reason than to infuriate you...as ignoring a baby tantrum more often than not accomplishes. But, imbeciles, by definition, do repeat insanity. First, let me state clearly and unequivocally, so there is no ambiguity in the minds of any readers of your drivel...you ARE an ahole. Now that we've settled that, let's destroy your so-called market "knowledge"..which you garner not from trading markets, but rather from reading comic books. I trade individual stocks and commodities all day ...I NEVER research anything before I buy it or sell it. You obviously have never heard of selling short...of course you haven't or you wouldn't have said...er, ah, excuse me, imbeciles are incapable of being rational...let me walk you through the basics of a short sale..its about as difficult as "see Spot run"...OK EINSTEIN AHOLE! If you BUY something at $1.00 and SELL it at $2.00..you make a $1.00 gross profit, yes? Can we agree on that, EINSTEIN AHOLE? It makes no difference..from the standpoint of time..if we buy at $1 and sell at $2...if you sell something, which you don't have, at $2...and buy it later for $1...how much money do you make, EINSTEIN AHOLE? Anything on any to arrive market can be sold before its bought and, surprisingly, contrary to your contention that "the day that works is the day the stock market will no longer exist." It appears to be existing quite well as I write this...and I'm short a ton of the Sep Dow 116 even. I've known a lot of guys, read a lot of market comments, been in frenzied trading pits with a lot of crazies and a lot of brilliant guys...you are, by far, the most egregious, obnoxious jerk I have ever encountered. Now, be a good little boy and STFU.
My goodness, you just don't know when to leave well enough alone do you? In spite of your confirming, in spades, my assessment of your intellectual capacity, I believe I rated you imbecilic, and it being not fair to disparage imbeciles,..had you not persisting in attempting to assuage your piqued, damaged, insecure ego by denigrating me, I might have utterly ignored you, for no other reason than to infuriate you...as ignoring a baby tantrum more often than not accomplishes. But, imbeciles, by definition, do repeat insanity. First, let me state clearly and unequivocally, so there is no ambiguity in the minds of any readers of your drivel...you ARE an ahole. Now that we've settled that, let's destroy your so-called market "knowledge"..which you garner not from trading markets, but rather from reading comic books. I trade individual stocks and commodities all day ...I NEVER research anything before I buy it or sell it. You obviously have never heard of selling short...of course you haven't or you wouldn't have said...er, ah, excuse me, imbeciles are incapable of being rational...let me walk you through the basics of a short sale..its about as difficult as "see Spot run"...OK EINSTEIN AHOLE! If you BUY something at $1.00 and SELL it at $2.00..you make a $1.00 gross profit, yes? Can we agree on that, EINSTEIN AHOLE? It makes no difference..from the standpoint of time..if we buy at $1 and sell at $2...if you sell something, which you don't have, at $2...and buy it later for $1...how much money do you make, EINSTEIN AHOLE? Anything on any to arrive market can be sold before its bought and, surprisingly, contrary to your contention that "the day that works is the day the stock market will no longer exist." It appears to be existing quite well as I write this...and I'm short a ton of the Sep Dow 116 even. I've known a lot of guys, read a lot of market comments, been in frenzied trading pits with a lot of crazies and a lot of brilliant guys...you are, by far, the most egregious, obnoxious jerk I have ever encountered. Now, be a good little boy and STFU.

Use caps lock much? My goodness kid, take your antics elsewhere. After noticing your immature and downright annoying style of writing I skipped down to the last line of your post, which again confirmed my analysis of you.

I called you an idiot because you are an idiot. No need to take offense to something that is unequivically true. You made the suggestion for a new trader, one lacking experience and basic knowledge, to forget "reading", throw a couple grand into the market, and test his luck.

I'm guessing you are too young to remember, but this mindset is exactly what lost hundreds of thousands of investors their life savings in 2000. Enough said.
Use caps lock much? My goodness kid, take your antics elsewhere. After noticing your immature and downright annoying style of writing I skipped down to the last line of your post, which again confirmed my analysis of you.

I called you an idiot because you are an idiot. No need to take offense to something that is unequivically true. You made the suggestion for a new trader, one lacking experience and basic knowledge, to forget "reading", throw a couple grand into the market, and test his luck.

I'm guessing you are too young to remember, but this mindset is exactly what lost hundreds of thousands of investors their life savings in 2000. Enough said.

You don't realize your subconscious aping, which is a manifestation of your inferiority, do you? "my goodness, kid (little boy), immature, unequivically(sic)" were used by me. You are incapable of originality. A common malady of an oat meal brain.

I NEVER said "throw a couple grand", nor did I mention the word "luck". It seems a great part of your problem is guessing...don't "guess" or fabricate...go over the actual transcripts...its a simple matter to read who said what, or can't your delusional mind handle reality? What does what "mindset" have to do with anyone's life savings in 2000, and why should anyone care? Do I detect a tear forming in your clouded eye for losers? Are we now going to hear a Dickinsonian tale of injustice and woe? Frankly, I don't care one scintilla or iota that thousands lost money in 2000...in fact, I'd be delighted had they lost it to me. Markets are not for little boys that read comic books...they are for risk takers that belly up to the bar and take their whiskey neat...no one holds a gun to anyone's head and forces them to enter markets. You sound like a loser...you might have been well advised to get your feet wet with a few hundred bucks and said, "whoa, this isn't for me"...instead of reading BS books and researching, thinking you knew how to trade then proceeding to lose what you couldn't afford to lose. You don't know s**t about markets and you don't know when to shut up. Please, do yourself a favor, stop embarrassing yourself. And, ahole, what you take for hubris is confidence...unless you support 5 kids and put them through college by going balls up in a pit with sharks for a few years, you'll never know markets...and even Oxford couldn't teach you to write.