Hwsteele I can tell you how the next 4 days of your life are going to go should you decide to tread this path:
1) Brambles gets the question incorrect, and asks you a string of irrelevant questions about the topic at hand.
2) Somewhere in the midst of the next 60 pages someone spots the use of a colon in the OP where a semicolon would have been more appropriate, and points it out to you.
3) Brambles then says 'Aha, but if I had known that the OP contained two separate yet related sentences rather than a list or summary of events, of course I would have gone with the other answer'
4) Mr Charts will at this point appear, saying that he of course also knew the correct answer; he was merely sandbagging us all with his vague, noncommittal posts whilst chortling to himself about how clever he is.
5) Brambles and Charts then decide to use the thread (since everyone else has abandoned it) as a mutual adulation/circle-jerk arena, spouting strings of fancy words which they can neither use correctly nor spell.
That should about cover it; if I were you I'd give it the old Cincinnati sidestep.