Oh, for pity's sake!!!


Legendary member
:devilish: grrr - after all these years why do I still have those gung-ho days where my painstakingly drawn up rules go out the window and I keep smashing the trade button like a demented organist in a horror movie.

Wife will be pleased - just lost half the holiday money in a frenetic two hours :mad: :mad:

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Happens to all of us on occasion what.

Very simple cause too, the dreaded, infamous, involuntary brain fart:


I got one the other day when my subconscious reacted negatively to an imminent check-up at the dentists and I closed out a perfectly good trade for no reason whatsoever and against all my rules and far, far, far too prematurely.


Thing is to learn fom that, eg no trading or unwarranted fiddling around with positions before dentists visits, divorces or other emotionally unsettling situations etc, lol, move on, and jump onboard the next opportunities.

Hope you make it up real soon.
:devilish: grrr - after all these years why do I still have those gung-ho days where my painstakingly drawn up rules go out the window and I keep smashing the trade button like a demented organist in a horror movie.

Wife will be pleased - just lost half the holiday money in a frenetic two hours :mad: :mad:


When you say "half the holiday money" you mean a weekend for 2 staying in a Bed & Breakfast in Blackpool and not a Transatlantic Crossing aboard the Queen Mary 2 staying in Queen Mary 2's lavish Queens Grill accommodation which are unrivalled at sea. From the full bottle of French champagne and sugar-iced strawberries greeting you upon embarkation, to the personal butler service (including packing & unpacking) and access to private lounges, the Queens Grill experience is one to be savoured. Guests dine at a reserved table in the single-seating Queens Grill restaurant, and enjoy en suite dining from the Queens Grill menu. Exclusive amenities include:

Priority embarkation with separate Grill check-in
Full bottle of French champagne with sugar-iced strawberries at embarkation
Complimentary in-suite bar set up
Fruit basket & bottled water replenished daily or as needed
Full flower arrangement
Personalised Cunard stationary
In-room Xbox
Single-seating dining in the Queens Grill, or En Suite from the Queens Grill menu
24-hour room service & Grills Concierge services
Butler service (including packing/unpacking service)

Access to Grills Concierge Lounge, Queens Grill Lounge and private Queens Grill sun Deck
Daily abridged newspaper
Shoe shine service
Evening canapés
Frette linens & duvet
Pillow Concierge offering nine pillow options
Nightly turndown service with pillow chocolates plus special Sweet Dreams turndown surprise on formal nights
Terry cloth bathrobe & slippers
Fine Canyon Ranch soaps & shampoos
Bath salts & manicure kit
Priority disembarkation and tender service
In-room DVD Player
ah, nt

I hadn't realised the champers, bar and butler came free - so a bit more (ed) than half then :whistling

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Yeah, that's probably the gremlin that kicks it off, ammo. Most times I see the light, slap myself on the wrist and get back to the rules and sanity. Sometimes, though, it's like losing your temper and I just flail away kicking against the pricks and ignoring all the evidence that's just sitting there screaming at me to stop. I even know that when I'm in one of these moods I should just turn off and mow the lawn or something - but when you've lost your temper.....................


hmm was there anything "market specific" that lead you to placing a trade, or was it "trader specific"

I mean what was going on that caused you to act ? did you feel stimulated by visual contact with moving charts for example? mentally stimulated with news reports etc? What was going through your mind .....? the more detail the better perhaps to nail on the head it ....

Identifying the problem is the solution.

mmm, we humans are creatures who feel, and sometimes we act before conscious reasoning kicks in. This part of the brain is evolving apparantly. We are evolving, slowly ,as beings who reason and think of consequences before we action. But Rome wasnt built in a day. :)
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We all have days like these, you just have to try and make sure that when you blow up it's liked a small grenade blast not a morning in Afghanistan!
hi, cb

well if you want the whole sorry saga :eek:

First, I don't day trade (except for fun in my fun account). I had potential long signals in the offing for three of the banks and thought (absolutely against the rules) that I'd anticipate them. Got caught out in the early down wave, tried again during the chop and caught out again in the second down wave. The most humiliating part is that if I'd applied my rules to the intraday 5 min chart there would have been triggered short signals :eek:

So I don't day trade my main account but had 11 trades :sick: trying to steal a march on my signals and "fine tune" entries :mad:

What a total pillock I am.


hi, cb

well if you want the whole sorry saga :eek:

First, I don't day trade (except for fun in my fun account). I had potential long signals in the offing for three of the banks and thought (absolutely against the rules) that I'd anticipate them. Got caught out in the early down wave, tried again during the chop and caught out again in the second down wave. The most humiliating part is that if I'd applied my rules to the intraday 5 min chart there would have been triggered short signals :eek:

So I don't day trade my main account but had 11 trades :sick: trying to steal a march on my signals and "fine tune" entries :mad:

What a total pillock I am.




IMHO: Get rid of the "fun" account because as you are currently experiencing, it is anything but fun and you are likely to ingrain bad habits. I swore off using my S/B a/c as a fun account for those very reasons. I record every trade I make as a real trade that goes down on my records and is included in my performance. It stops me being reckless even with paper trades. No more "what if" trades and no more "fun" trades.
Yeah, that's probably the gremlin that kicks it off, ammo. Most times I see the light, slap myself on the wrist and get back to the rules and sanity. Sometimes, though, it's like losing your temper and I just flail away kicking against the pricks and ignoring all the evidence that's just sitting there screaming at me to stop. I even know that when I'm in one of these moods I should just turn off and mow the lawn or something - but when you've lost your temper.....................



i've got one of those gazelle excercise machines, i get on that for about 2 minutes after a stupid or stubborn trade,
If it's any consolation, I had 5 consecutive losing trades this afternoon - and that's on the back of two losing days! So, once I was flat, I got up from my screen and vented my frustration and 'lost it' big time! Fortunately, Mrs timsk was out at the time, otherwise she would have expanded her vocabulary with a variety of 4 letter words that I doubt she knows the meaning of. While I loathe people who take pleasure in the misfortune of others, it's good to know that you're human Jon - a real person with real heart felt emotions who f***s up from time to time! Doubtless you'll get back on track soon!
................................ So I don't day trade my main account but had 11 trades :sick: trying to steal a march on my signals and "fine tune" entries :mad: ...........



I think we all know the feeling. :cry:


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If it's any consolation, I had 5 consecutive losing trades this afternoon - and that's on the back of two losing days!

If you don't mind me asking, how do you manage to cope mentally with a string of losses stretching back 3 days Tim ?
hi, cb

well if you want the whole sorry saga :eek:

First, I don't day trade (except for fun in my fun account). I had potential long signals in the offing for three of the banks and thought (absolutely against the rules) that I'd anticipate them. Got caught out in the early down wave, tried again during the chop and caught out again in the second down wave. The most humiliating part is that if I'd applied my rules to the intraday 5 min chart there would have been triggered short signals :eek:

So I don't day trade my main account but had 11 trades :sick: trying to steal a march on my signals and "fine tune" entries :mad:

What a total pillock I am.



Sorry, Jon. It seems as if, judging by 11 trades in 2 days, you have had an attack of the jitters.

Yesterday, I switched it off, after shorting SP in the morning and caught most of the days's fall, closing out before the close. It's not often I do that, I can tell you. I have done less well, today, and have been around the computer all morning. I think a moving chart shows us patterns that aren't, really, there! Anyway, I didn't get it right and had to reverse.

What made you do that? Raining in the UK, yesterday, was it?

yeah, i had an attack of something, split :)

just a mad max moment - i'm back on a level footing now, but i'll have to work hard to repair the damage.


If you don't mind me asking, how do you manage to cope mentally with a string of losses stretching back 3 days Tim ?
Hi yac',
I'm fine tuning my strategy at the minute (sim' trading only) and, in the spirit of the late great Thomas Edison, I'm finding out what doesn't work. :cheesy: I take heart from the fact that my losses are generally very small (the consequence, I like to think, of my blow up in which I lost 70% of my account on one trade) and, in spite of what may sound like a disastrous week, I'm still net profitable. And I've learnt a lot from analysing the losing trades. So, all is not lost - yet!

It's probably your age, second childhood and all that.

So this years holiday will be another rowing holiday on the Thames with Mrs barjon in the engine room.


Do nothing Jon, nothing at all

yeah, i had an attack of something, split :)

just a mad max moment - i'm back on a level footing now, but i'll have to work hard to repair the damage.



Hi Jon

weekend off and foget it asap

Fun account :?:

regards loss = do what your good at and ........................

One of the best rules anybody can learn about investing is to do nothing, absolutely nothing, unless there is something to do. Most people always have to be playing; they always have to be doing something. They can't just sit there and wait for something new to develop. I wait until there is money lying in the corner, and all I have to do is go over there and pick it up. I do nothing in the meantime. Even people who lose money in the market say, 'I just lost my money, now I have to do something to make it back.' No, you don't. You should sit there until you find something.

-- Jim Rogers

think me and you exact opposites regards timeframes etc

I used to do exact the same but with attempted swing trades on the index, still like the idea that one day I will be a higher timeframe trader :LOL:

proper rules for individual share and trade that to small stakes instead and see if I can learn anything at a slower pace, no money in account till all ready to go on eod signal then just the margin and dont meet the call if I am wrong

good trading and get better soon :clover: