Office Chair

Hey! I’m looking for a very designer like office chair. Can you guys help me?

I heard that CHARLES EAMES chair is the best option to go for and is available at STAPLES CORNER Stores. What do you say guys?
I sit on a cloud when I'm trading. You've heard of cloud computing? This is cloud trading.

Unfortunately I sometimes fall through the cloud, and it occasionally makes my trousers damp around the seat area. But it looks pretty cool.
Every office chair needs the ability to adjust not only the seat and the back, but also the armrests. This is important so that your chair will fit under your desk (obviously you don't want to sit far from your computer), and so that you can adjust the armrests to a comfortable position for you (again, based on your height.)
Office chairs that have little mobility will quickly leave you with a sore back and take your focus away from your work. It pays to invest a bit more in a chair that has the ability to tilt forward and backward so that you are able to adjust your body position throughout the day. This will help you to relieve stress on your back and your spine, which is important to overall back health. If your office chair can tilt, raise and lower, and has the ability to adjust just about every part of it, then it's a good office chair for you.
Here's an image,,
Looks,,,well,,,, different to say the least, the back part looks as though it's designed well.


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've tried all sorts of chairs over the years and none suited me until I took one of our high backed dining chairs and used that with a cushion on it.

Amazing Richard.

That's exactly what I did and I now sit on a lovely rosewood chair every day.
i think regardless if you sit long enough, any chair is going to be painful. or maybe its just me because i have a terrible back. i am constantly testing out new chairs.
One of the big leather chairs that resemble a couch on wheels. However, you run the risk of completely falling asleep in it. :D

I have just a wooden chair with a pad on it. No pain, no gain! :LOL:

Fine for an hour at a time, then starts to get on your nerves as it is not easy to stand up, you have no real way of moving yourself around as your legs are folded up and it does your knees in.

I had back problems and tried it at work. Ended up giving it away.

The best thing i know is an height adjustable desk. All the Designers who do CAD work or graphic design use them. Stand up for an hour, sit for an hour etc.