Of UK bank rate, Swervin' Mervyn and the future...

The Japanese export engine is still firing on all cylinders, which should prevent a collapse in the JPY (it would make no sense for such a large exporter to have a weaker currency). If there are problems in the bond market, don't forget that Japan holds $3 trillion of money overseas.. that can always be repatriated. If interest rates do rise due to problems with getting government debt away, this may be positive for the JPY in several ways.

Anybody who knows what they're talking about have any further discussion on this stuff?
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I'll assume that was a deliberate spelling error, you're usually more careful than that scose ..

One of the lesser-known corollaries to Godwin's Law is that as soon as you point out someone else's typo, you make a worse one yourself - extra points are scored if it is in the same posting.

TTGL for the "edit" facility.
One of the lesser-known corollaries to Godwin's Law is that as soon as you point out someone else's typo, you make a worse one yourself - extra points are scored if it is in the same posting.

TTGL for the "edit" facility.

You won't believe me, but I originally sent "your" on purpose, as a kind of ironic joke type thing. Then I thought, no, that's dumb, and edited it to change it.

Sad? Yes. Maybe shoot me BEFORE I get to 3,500 posts.