Odl markets.com??


I am thinking about opening an account with ODL Securities. Can anyone provide any feedback on them. I used to trade with mybroker a few years ago and it looks they were taken over by ODL, I was pleased with the service provided by mybroker at the time.
Any feedback appreciated.
Mybroker was just the software provided by ODL, they are not the same company. Mybroker is produced by a U.S company called Mytrack.

FWIW from recent experience, their commissions are high, they don't seem to bother replying to e-mails, and their web site is frequently unavailable.
I am thinking about opening an account with ODL Securities. Can anyone provide any feedback on them. I used to trade with mybroker a few years ago and it looks they were taken over by ODL, I was pleased with the service provided by mybroker at the time.
Any feedback appreciated.

I have an account , no problems.
In light of the op's question and the above responses, should one expect a similar service irrespective of whether ODL is being used to trade futures/ options or for spread betting?

In light of the op's question and the above responses, should one expect a similar service irrespective of whether ODL is being used to trade futures/ options or for spread betting?


It's the same company, so why not?
FWIW from recent experience, their commissions are high, they don't seem to bother replying to e-mails, and their web site is frequently unavailable.

I trade forex ,oil and dax/dow jones.In my opinion they are good for forex,oil and dax robots on metatrader 4.

I am getting good execution, better than Alpari


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