I will disagree with many here, and say that obsession is not the problem here. Einstein was obsessed with physics, Newton with maths, Joes Mourinho is obsessed with football, Tiger Woods was obsessed with golf etc. All massively successful in their chosen field.
To reach the highest standard, sometimes obsession is necessary. So what do I think is the problem here?
You mentioned:
1) many blown accounts
2) Look at others in work and think they are all so sad as they are all working in the rat race, in jobs they don't like but they don't know the "secret" that the markets could unlock for them !!!
3) its the dream. the thought of providing for yourself with no boss, no commute, no office politics.
1. means that either you don't use proper money management, or you have emotional blowups which then result in account blowups. Both can be worked on. It takes a LOT of trades to blow up when you are risking 1%, even with an average system. Do you trade at 1% or less?
2. You say you're looking at others, but really this is a reflection of you looking at yourself and being unhappy with yourself. Are you self-destructive?
3. What is the dream? Is the dream to trade for a living? Or is the dream not to have to do those things you mention. In other words, are you just trying to get away from something, or do you actually love to trade. If someone could hand you a future where you earned from trading enough to cover your living costs, but would never be rich, would you do it?
I hope you don't find my reply offensive in any way, it isn't meant to be. I don't know you so I could easily be wrong, but from the small posts you have in this thread, I would imagine you are unhappy with your life, you're angry with yourself because of that, and are self-destructive as a result. Which means you often won't do what you need to do to trade.