OBAMA affect- post US election bounce


Legendary member
So what do we think people..............so come you yankees tell us brits what to expect???

I have gone long on FTSE @ 4410(stop loss 4350) and Dow Jones @ 9350(STOP LOSS 9250) ??

ANYBODY ELSE DOING THE SAME, I have read in several blogs that people think there will be a post election bounce due political uncertainty coming to an end and that OBAMA is pro economy, not to mention santa clause rally???
somebody who will aid and assist the economy and get it back on track from the mess that the Republicans have got it in........

anyway I have just take a nice profit of 120 points on the DOW and 60 points on the FTSE............

keep it nice and small is my methodology, short and sweet
Last I checked the housing boom and policy that allowed the sub prime bubble to form were passed by the Clinton admin.
typical republican comments............its about time Republicans take accountability and stop blaming the other?

whats next? its the bogey mans fault............haha!!

Hence why Obama's slogan of change is so appealing to everyone..........

I don't mean to upset you my friend, you have to look at it from the outside in and realise John McCain doesnt have a chance because Mr Bush has cocked it up for him..........and choosing Palin was like shooting yourself in the foot?
1) I'm not a republican

2) I know Obama will likely win

3) None of this means that the bubble has its roots in Bush's regime, no matter what else they wasted their money on/how many 100,000s of people they have killed.
Republican this and Democrat that. It's all funny to me. One blames the other and then the other shoots blame back. The fact of the matter is they are both to blame as each on the large scale only looks out for themselves and not the country. Housing bubble IS traceable back to Clinton like it or not. The war is traceable back to Bush. Then again the President is just surface level. The House and Congress are bigger problems.
But hey, that's life in the big city right?