NYMEX floor visit today


Active member
well, doubting thomas that i am, i returned to a trading floor for the first time in 7 years. ok it was only one pit and it was only one section of the second floor of an office block off moorgate but yes, it felt good to see the whites of people's eyes again!!

the nymex chappie who chatted to me was very candid about what they are trying to achieve and what they know they need to do to survive. volumes down there today have really dropped off from the opening few days and that seems to be (worryingly ) in part due to some big sepo swingers they brought over who were happy to trade 'your size' who have now gone back to ny.

the general feeling is it could work but they need to introduce other contracts, e.g. russian oil contract and possibly bring the wti over to london when its asleep in america. i seem to recall the liffe trying something similar with the t-bond and it didnt really work though....

however, the nymex are committed to some form of pit trading for a good year, possibly up to 5 years (lease they took on the building) and i for one really hope it works for them. incidently, a massive bonus is you dont pay anything to stand there, i.e. no seat charges so all you're paying are round turns. big plus for any local or broker.

so what would i do? well, outright trading nymex brent aint gonna work. using it against wti and arbing against ipe brent, yeah it will work, there is money there.......eyes wide open though!!!
I read on the Nymex europe website that they will pay upto $100k a month to subsidise participants... even if the future is on the screen, you should take Nymex's cash while they are offering it.

window of opportunity
show me the page..ill sign tomorrow......can't find that one though..what page is it buried on???

just found it..rock and roll bet someones beaten me to the 200k nest egg hehehehe
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Its buried in the FAQ somewhere:


Will the Exchange offer incentives to participate in the new market?
A. Equity earn-in, local incentive, and market maker incentive programs are under consideration. Each is subject to regulatory approval and would commence upon the launch of trading on the London floor.

The equity earn-in and local incentive programs will be a continuation of those implemented in connection with the trading of NYMEX Brent crude oil futures in Dublin. The equity allocation volume and open interest incentive programs are intended to allocate equity ownership in NYMEX Europe Exchange Holdings Limited, the direct parent of NYMEX Europe, based upon volume traded and open interest maintained on the Dublin floor starting April 1, 2005, and continuing for one year following the commencement of trading on NYMEX Europe.

The local incentive program will grant participants a 50% fee reduction during the two-year term of the program based upon the trader’s volume executed on the Dublin floor.

The market maker program is being specifically created to help offset expenditures that market makers will incur in helping develop liquidity in the Brent contract. It will initially be in force for two months at which point it will be reevaluated. Up to three qualified members of NYMEX Europe will act as market makers, committing to provide a continuous floor presence. Upon request the market maker will make an immediate and firm bid/ask market for 15 contracts on either side of a 5-cent wide market. Payments under the program will not exceed $300,000 per month.
cheers arb..im on the case..happy days..i bet some other local has scummed me even before i have got there...lol