Nymex Crude upwards and onwards

Lets have another go ........

Hook Shot said:
de cooky ......... all in the game. some you win and others ........ can't bring myself to say the word LLLL nope forget it.

180d and new lows - might be significant........ but then again it might wait for Friday/Monday.
This market is now backed into a corner just the way I like it. It must now keep sliding or ..... you know the rest!

Sunday is 6m from the highs - and was one reason I plumped for Friday/Monday ... if 180 on wed did not work.

Friday/Monday have often brought in lows in the past so that adds a touch more weight ?

Finally, slides have finished on round numbers of weeks before ..... no stats but it's just something I recall from previous analysis in the last 3yrs. Friday is 182nd day is 26wks....From July 14 highs.

Failing that it's $39/40.......... if $49/50 give way...

So you can see I'm as desperate as the next guy :cheesy:
frugi said:
Thanks for those Andy. I can't fault your reasoning.

I went on the hamster wheel for an hour and missed all the fun. Previous long thankfully trailed out at 54.15 as per Kiwi line in last post. But I left my limit in at 52.5 so am now long 2 there with a stop at 51. 😱 I may regret that. If I get the chance I'll dump 1 at 53 tomorrow.

But ... this drop has taken it to the 50% level mentioned earlier on the weekly chart. Also I think I see a Wolfewave on the 512vol chart below - a clean 5 wave down pattern with the 5th breaking out below the wedge as Mr. Wolf intended. In case this pattern works I have drawn in the potential target line. Also marked at 51.5 is the 1:1 of wave 3 which is also 161.8% extension of wave 1. I think I will add one more lot if we get there, probably throwing good money after bad, but we'll see. For the indicator folk there is also a massive bullish divergence on the hourly. Today's volume was higher than last few days, over 45k, but probably not enough to count as capitulation. Still, perhaps the tide will be stemmed for a day or two? Now let me see how much more bullish evidence can I selectively gather to support my position while it plummets to 50? 😀
the analysis is a road map if i know where its going to go i know where abouts i am
now this low is 0.382 rt from the 99 low so that is by most a minumum expectation
my idea of it dropping hard is not this week but over several weeks maybe months i would expect a pop anytime now
a pop of 4-5 bucks is not unrealistic then a drop into the $48 ish (continues not contracted month) then a sharp move up possibly all the way up to $66 -$70 and then all the way down to minimum target area of $40
also i will adjust this as i go along as you know circumstances change it may get there too fast or too slow so then i adjust accordingly
good work on your analysis
one small warning the 1:1 especially in the direction of parabolic markets tends to extend longer and bounce less than most expect
Hook Shot said:
Sunday is 6m from the highs - and was one reason I plumped for Friday/Monday ... if 180 on wed did not work.

Friday/Monday have often brought in lows in the past so that adds a touch more weight ?

Finally, slides have finished on round numbers of weeks before ..... no stats but it's just something I recall from previous analysis in the last 3yrs. Friday is 182nd day is 26wks....From July 14 highs.

Failing that it's $39/40.......... if $49/50 give way...

So you can see I'm as desperate as the next guy :cheesy:
i know you like your timing so hopefully you will like this:
26 weeks with a $26 drop
guys ...andy ..hook shot and frugi..can anyone help me with a bit of knowledge about crack spread between UK gasoil and Brent crude...i started doing little crack today seeing bollinger bands as technical help ...with a tick size of 28 dollars I guess u guys surely arent ignoring it..

I need somefundamental knowlwdge of its movements
andy love it to bits ........ lets see

de cooky - I'm not your man try the other two fine gentlemen... I think TWI might know a thing about this so you might want to try him as well.

Hope this helps
Out 1 at 53, holding t'other over weekend.

This rounded bottom looks quite bullish especially if we escape this wedge with some force on Monday. Missed my long fill at 51.5 by 0.1 which was mean of them.

Have a good weekend fellow oilmen. 🙂


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Is this a bullish pbk as we break march lows or is it rolling over ?
This week should be very interesting........

Earth to laptop1 can you here me ? Anyone else will do just kidding ........
Hook Shot said:
Is this a bullish pbk as we break march lows or is it rolling over ?
This week should be very interesting........

Earth to laptop1 can you here me ? Anyone else will do just kidding ........
Im flat Crude at 62.20...........But will go back in buying at 58 ..I had a good run in crude, long from 51 😀
laptop1 said:
Im flat Crude at 62.20...........But will go back in buying at 58 ..I had a good run in crude, long from 51 😀

We know where you bought crude......

I think even the lost tribes in the remotest part of the amazon rain forest knows about your legendary call... 😀

Only jealous - thanks for responding......... I'll wait to see what happens...
Hook Shot said:
We know where you bought crude......

I think even the lost tribes in the remotest part of the amazon rain forest knows about your legendary call... 😀

Only jealous - thanks for responding......... I'll wait to see what happens...
lol...The only tip I can give you is, buy when nobody wants it and sell when everyone wants it..How about this call...The Top of the Housing market will be this summer, My sister in-law told me, "well in around about way". She was talking to me about going to an auction to buy a house to rent out,she said what you think...I said the Top is in, she said how do you know that...I didt like to tell her, when an Hairdresser is thinking of going in to propety and buying at at actions and knowing nothing about houses. This tells me the Top is in. 😆 .
laptop1 said:
lol...The only tip I can give you is, buy when nobody wants it and sell when everyone wants it..How about this call...The Top of the Housing market will be this summer, My sister in-law told me, "well in around about way". She was talking to me about going to an auction to buy a house to rent out,she said what you think...I said the Top is in, she said how do you know that...I didt like to tell her, when an Hairdresser is thinking of going in to propety and buying at at actions and knowing nothing about houses. This tells me the Top is in. 😆 .

I note housebuilders took a bit of a wobble when houses rose at the slowest rate in ages so you may be right.... hopefully they'll now roll over since they done nothing but go up since the dotcom crash!
Back to the greasy stuff.. .... seemed to have highlighted OIL at the right time - not too early .... for a change
No really good explaination for todays move, $61 seems to have taken out some stops and K7 has certainly distanced itself from the April collapse, see where J/K spread went out. Now it is a flick of coin whether to short K/M or not...Missed most of it today in CL but had a boat load of natgas which even post bearish figs seemed determined to put on a show.
Hook Shot said:
Is this a bullish pbk as we break march lows or is it rolling over ?
This week should be very interesting........

Earth to laptop1 can you here me ? Anyone else will do just kidding ........

Hookie right on the button my old son ...even if I say so myself ...............

timing "premier league" mi old cocker.......... perhaps even approaching Laptop stylee but not sure....

Now we've got a SPIKE high we can go for a pbk within an uptrend.....................
A Surreal Moment is at hand................

Oil is hurtling into outer space as Nymex tests $76 and Brent sniffs $78 again...

How long before fears of high oil start to affect the stock markets.......... ?
How long before we start hearing about demand destruction all over again ? 😆 😆
Crude-$100 next barrier

To be honest customers have accepted high oil prices are here to stay especially europeans.I do no think they is the same shock factor as there was about when katrina hit. While I personally think oil will come off in the next few weeks it is only destined to hit higher levels in driving seasons to come!!
Think GS destroyed this latest move when they put out a London analyst report earlier this week calling for $95 crude in the next few months....No doubt they were selling into their clients orders.

I think it may be buy the dip but COT reports show the market very long across the complex and a few people will have taken it right up the yazoo the last few sessions...
Think GS destroyed this latest move when they put out a London analyst report earlier this week calling for $95 crude in the next few months....No doubt they were selling into their clients orders.

I think it may be buy the dip but COT reports show the market very long across the complex and a few people will have taken it right up the yazoo the last few sessions...

Hi TWI - good to hear from you..
"Surreal moment" was about madness of stocks and oil flying to moon together... I shorted both hoping to catch one... and manage the other and Bingo both came tumbling down... [ diregarding the fact both have gone up in unison the last 4yrs - at certain moments along the way one usually has a reality check - as you know.. ]

Re: GS seems they clearly want or know $95 is coming in the not too distant future but with Sep-Brent so close to all time highs you had to be "cautious" near term imo ... but if the Big Lads want $95/$100 they will get it ..... I'm a dip buyer too....

Celtic - Yeh you're right we have become used to it and less of a shock - the old boiling frog syndrome s'pose...