Nottingham meet-up

The squeeze!


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How does Saturday 14th feb sound for next meeting? Thinking of 12 noon time. Feel free to make suggestions.

On St. Valentines day? You romantic you! I can't that weekend I am off to watch Wales Vs England in Cardiff. How about the following weekend?
On St. Valentines day? You romantic you! I can't that weekend I am off to watch Wales Vs England in Cardiff. How about the following weekend?

Jesus, you're right. Glad you reminded me! Okay, the following Saturday (21st). Is this okay for others interested in coming along?

Any Saturday is good for me, is the location near Victoria Centre?
Interesting. Some competition for the bucket shops if the volumes/ spreads are good enough.


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:rolleyes:Enjoyed meeting you guys. Sorry if I got too pissed and talk gibberish. It's the tedium and stress of a weeks trading venting itself. I'm going to stick with shandy next time. After you guys left I went on a bender and am currently in the dog house. You'd think I'd have learnt by now. Hopefully see you all next month.

Yep it was good to meet up with you all again, and nice to meet you too Jeremy. It was great to hear the different types of methods and attitudes to risk being discussed.

Dave - I think that you must have suffered from 'Trader Fever' after suddenly being let out into the 'real' world with beer available on tap!
Yep it was good to meet up with you all again, and nice to meet you too Jeremy. It was great to hear the different types of methods and attitudes to risk being discussed.

Dave - I think that you must have suffered from 'Trader Fever' after suddenly being let out into the 'real' world with beer available on tap!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. There was a chap sitting directly behind you, Bob, who could here what we were talking about. If I seemed a little concerned at points it's because he was giving a serious 'evil' eye, a really hateful stare. He was actually part of that group that you knew someone from. Anyway, a bit unnerving. Maybe he thought it's guys like us who caused the credit crisis. Spivs who short bank stocks:cheesy:

Hi all,

I'm based in Newark but would love to meet some fellow traders, when are you next meeting and can I tag along?
