A serious thread with intelligent debate from informed members deteriorates into complete cynicism with with one single, acerbic post.
Sadly. I suspect it's also 100% bang on the mark. Atilla's subsequent comment that "they may have postponed the day of reckoning" is equally apposite. You can almost feel the collective sigh of relief from the BoE, the government, investors and depositors alike. "It's all O.K. folks, no need to panic, everything's back to normal now". Yeah, right. Doubtless, this view is echoed across the globe. But, if we're all drowning in a mountain of debt, surely the day of reckoning must be just around the corner - mustn't it? But, in this self serving me me me culture, the only question most peeps will bother asking is 'who will be left standing when the music stops?' Gordon and his cabinet hope it's not them. Northern Rock along and their depositors hope it's not them. Stock investors pray it's not them. (Hold on, they deserve a break as they always get the short straw). And sure as hell we all hope it's not the BoE, otherwise we're all up poo creek in a barbed wire boat. Place your bets now please ladies and gents . . .
This problem can be resolved. In the past the BoE independance is based on controlling inflation. That is their sole objective. This thing about economic growth or Feds view is a lot of bull.
The whole problem with stop go policies of the past is that Governments used to have conflicting objectives which were totally unrealistic.
You can't have full employment, economic growth, balance of payments surplus, high investment and low inflation and strong pound. All pretty nice objectives but collectively total bull.
So whilst this restpite is available, governments in Europe and US must curb demand by taxing. Sooner or later no doubt about it. This monetary interest policy is a blunt tool to fix our problems of retarded economies with inflationary pressures and a shocking oil price.
I am Mr Doom and Gloom most of the time but I have high expectations from the City of London. The best financial brains are here and our systems are better than most. Shame Mervyn didn't take advice from the FSA and released some funding but we all make mistakes. Glad the government nudged him in the rear some what.
The reputation and integrity of the City rests on it.
Also, if the Government's and politicians interests are intricately linked with the City then I see no harm in them working to further the interests of the City - even if they have to bend some rules.
My friend Barry flies balloons in his past time. Went up one over Essex country absolutely wonderful. Strongly recommend anybody not gone up one to try it. Cool sensation.
You know you don't have landings in a balloon. You only have crash landings.
The beauty of it is the basket made of wicker beaded together is so strong and flexible that it can stand many crash landings. Strong enough to take the knocks.
Moral of the story is what goes up must come down. Bump or a crash need not be the end of it all.
Steady as she goes...