No Nonsense Forex - VP

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hey Gang ....

just wanted to flag up an interesting newish kid on the Block who goes by the name of VP (no its not me, i'm NVP)....

Patrick trades out of Las Vegas Nevada and has created a Free Blog / Website / Podcast series and youtube channel

he has created quite a stir in the last year or so and accumulated thousands of followers

He has openly challenged many myths about the Forex market trying to assist traders to become more profitable - no punches pulled...and i like that ...

its all free and i can assure you I have no commercial relationship with patrick ....just always happy to share out interesting and more original views on forex ...especially those that are disruptive and challenge the norm....

We dont share the same opinion on how successful Forex Strengthmeters indicators can be ......but thats just because we are all different and there are many many ways to be profitable in trading ......thats what makes it so interesting.........

Patrick recently discussed Forex Strengthmeters / Indicators ....interesting views and he does concede that although it didnt work for him there could be possibilities.....

he mentioned about a week of intensive investigation but not being able to make anything decent work or beat his own systems......Fair enough ...but lets be honest guys .....a week is nothing

Ive been using Strengthmeters for nearly 20 years now and it did take me a few years working with some great programmers and traders to get my bespoke systems in place .......everything in trading takes time and persistence before any success is seen

heres his podcast - I have offered up my own free indicator on his site for his followers if they want to try out things

good trading
He is quite good!
(I had independently found his youtube channel. I think if I am leaning towards the same kinds of information that someone as illustrious as yourself is advocating, I think I am on the right track! 🙂 )

He spends first six minutes talking about bitcoin.
He seems dismissive of Currency Meter / Indicators, but he does give the additional advice that should you decide to test it, make sure you use a Volume indicator as a separate filter.
He is quite good!
(I had independently found his youtube channel. I think if I am leaning towards the same kinds of information that someone as illustrious as yourself is advocating, I think I am on the right track! 🙂 )

He spends first six minutes talking about bitcoin.
He seems dismissive of Currency Meter / Indicators, but he does give the additional advice that should you decide to test it, make sure you use a Volume indicator as a separate filter.

hey T

i had already corresponded with Patrick (VP) on strengthmeters / indicators before his podcast came out

in fact i suspect it was a small part of the catayst for doing the podcast ....a few others were contacting him as well so he decided to discuss his views ...........and i 100% agree with him on the worthlessness of heatmaps , lightshows , and the superficial stuff out there....all useless ....

it has to be indicator based like my FXCorrelator .....sure mine is MA based but most stuff lags...and in truth i dont use it for scalping ...i have faster and more immediate variations / derivatives ......

at least he concedes that there are possibilities ...but nothing he has found beats his own systems .....Fair do's ....

He couldnt make it work for him.......but he confessed it was only for about a week that he really really tried to get stuff working on it took me in all seriousness a few years to really get it working well for me .....and with some serious programming help along the way ..........

I think the Guy has really produced a good series so far ........but like all things it needs to stand the test of time ........perhaps a small part of me is still screaming

1) whats the catch
2) what is he selling?
3) how do we really know he is sucessful ?

But thats just natural for us old warhorses weve all bought the T-shirts on so many "Great" traders and systems over the years

the guys set up a big discord discussion channel a while back now has a lot of good detail and an excellent range of customised indicators and other info

heres an invite if you want to get in the mix


again i am not affiliated or related in any way to VP or his NNFX team .....just someone who respects what they have done long as it remains free and available to all i'm happy to support its work - N
interestingly i am getting a lot more feedback on other forums Re VP's work the moment he is now spawning a lot of second generation followers now producing their own algos and systems many are predicting its just a matter of time before we see the inevitable vendor machine firing up ....????

here was my take on that so far :-

some good points guys ...........yes there are enormous opportunities now for VP to harvest the trust generated from his followers

im actually on the 2 discord groups for his NNFX and the secondary lower Timeframe Group ....where basically anything goes

I think theres at least 4,000 on the NNFX group now ...thats pretty big numbers

just a matter of time before some of these members are offering commercial algos and systems

but thats the business ............i'm a commercial forex vendor and training Coach but hav'nt done anything for probably 5-10 years now as i dont have the time and energy at the moment to train and trade........but i take my hat off to him and his team if their ultimate strategy was to harvest this

Nice move .....would be interesting to challenge him regarding some of his members potentially selling stuff ?

hello everyone I am a student in South Africa doing my first year and in my spear time I will be learning to put together my algo to trade full time this time next year.
hello everyone I am a student in South Africa doing my first year and in my spear time I will be learning to put together my algo to trade full time this time next year.
Yes, you can make good money with Forex trading if you have a passion to learn Forex and should not be greedy to become rich quickly.