Ninja Trader Question


Well-known member
I've been looking at Ninja Trader as it can do a few things that I like. However I have a data question. I use Metastock with Quotecenter. Ninja Trader does not support Quotecenter, which is fine. However my broker is IB. I pay exchange fees to IB for data so is it possible to use IB as my data provider in NT? I will be trading equities mainly.
Thanks for the reply. So it works as both a broker and a data provider? This will be great if that's the case. I certainly don't want to have to fork out for yet more data.
Did it ever occur to you to ask for ninja support at the ninja forums, and to read the ninja trader documentation? Or even just TRY to add a connection... which case you would have seen that IB is actually directly in there in the dialog?

Note btw., that th data quality of IB is pretty - hm - crappy 😉 THough you get real time, you do not get tick data, only aggregations. Which make certai type of charts unusalbe (tickcharts, mostly).
Did it ever occur to you to ask for ninja support at the ninja forums, and to read the ninja trader documentation? Or even just TRY to add a connection... which case you would have seen that IB is actually directly in there in the dialog?

Note btw., that th data quality of IB is pretty - hm - crappy 😉 THough you get real time, you do not get tick data, only aggregations. Which make certai type of charts unusalbe (tickcharts, mostly).

Hi NetTecture and thanks. Yes I have got a question pending in the Ninja Trader support forum but it is Sunday and they won't get back to it until tomorrow night my time. However I have a few hours available for research today so I was hoping to get a quick answer.

It actually bugs me too when people don't do proper research 😉

The lack of tick charts should not be a problem as I don't trade to such short timescales.
Not lack of charts, lack of tickcharts. IB is famous for sending 10 time updates per second max, accumulating multiple trades into one update.

THis means while other people may get 50 updates, you only see 10 trades 😉