Night Time Trading

  • Thread starter Thread starter sbxems
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Hello I have been trading Russell 2000 on and off for many years. The past year my days have been occupied so I have been unable to watch the markets and trade at all. I'm not really interested in Stocks - overnight - swing trading etc... I would like some truly unbiased help on a great futures contract, preferably E-mini, that I could trade EST 7pm-12am. I know Asian markets have E-mini but I'm just confused with all the promotional banter as I look for the answer myself.

Thank you all
I guess, I should know what trade around my one opening timezone, but I dont 🙁
Australian bonds are too expensive for my little acc (Amp Futures):
SFE SPI 200 AP Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) $6,300.00 $1,800.00

Other markets/products:
Mini-Nikkei 225 MJNK Osaka - Japan (JPX) $700.00 $500.00
Nikkei 225 (Osaka) JNK Osaka - Japan (JPX) $10,000.00 $5,000.00
TOPIX JTPX Osaka - Japan (JPX) $2,800.00 $1,400.00
Mini TOPIX JMT Osaka - Japan (JPX) $280.00 $140.00
JPX-Nikkei Index 400 J400 Osaka - Japan (JPX) $500.00 $250.00
S&P CNX Nifty Index EN Singapore Exchange (SGX) $2,475.00 $1,000.00
NIKKEI 225 Index NK Singapore Exchange (SGX) $2,700.00 $1,000.00
USD Nikkei 225 Index NU Singapore Exchange (SGX) $2,700.00 $1,500.00
MSCI Taiwan Stock Index TW Singapore Exchange (SGX) $1,000.00 $750.00

I have traded US markets then Asian markets and then European markets in the morning in my day trading years - regret that now - seems more like gambling looking back with hindsight.
Trading which is done after or before hours sale is termed as night trading. You too can engage yourself in night trades if you have a computer and access to an electronic communications network or an after-hours exchange.

you sound like a trading glossary robot which has slightly malfunctioned 🙂
I have traded US markets then Asian markets and then European markets in the morning in my day trading years - regret that now - seems more like gambling looking back with hindsight.

trading addict! 😀