Nifty Futures System Based Trading


Hello Friends,

This is RH2, a beginner in systems trading, starting my first thread here wherein i shall be posting 'NIFTY Futures' trades as per my proprietary system. This is a trend following swing trading system and aims to capture major Nifty moves, the signals are triggered intraday and trades carried overnight.

On average I get 7-8 signals per month and the backtesting reports so far (almost 4 years of intraday testing has shown encouraging results so far)

Trades and net position will be posted after market hours.

Only NIFTY Futures will be traded.

Lets see how things pan out in the future.

The objective of this thread is to keep a record of the trades along with comments on the daily developments.
Few Thoughts to begin with...

A cursory examination of the trend-following system examples clues us in to two traits necessary for successful trend traders: patience and fortitude. Although it is tempting to merely gloss over the other statistics and focus on the total net profit column, we really need to search our innermost selves and ask such questions as: Am I prepared to stick with this trading technique after suffering seven consecutive losing trades? and Can I make my peace with enduring twice as many losing as profitable trades? Few who embark on the path of system trading ever ask themselves these questions beforehand. And yet they are obviously the most important issues for the trend trader to address. This is why in the book’s preface I emphasized that the development of a successful trading system is almost beside the point. Given enough time and the right software, almost anyone can develop a profitable system, but is it the right system for their trading personality?

Do people who want to be trend traders have the discipline, patience, and price risk management skills needed to stick with that system after experiencing its seventh consecutive losing trade? If not, then they might not have the personality traits needed for successful trend trading.

This is not to say that every trend trader will suffer through seven consecutive losses; however, people who adopt trend-following strategies should be psychologically prepared for this occurrence as a distinct possibility.

I hope by now that I have shattered any illusion readers might have that using mechanical trading systems will make life as a trader easier. As long as such illusions persist, the discipline and patience required to pursue profitable trading will be sabotaged, for successful trading requires a reprogramming
of the trader, a transformation of expectations and an acceptance of the limitations and drawbacks inherent in almost any robust trading methodology.

--- Richard L. Weissman

This forum is a world class one of traders from financial market. Your message seem to show your supremacy of having made a system for trading Nifty futures of India.

There is no secrecy in this forum and every member shares his experience of his trading system and methods. Its a open book place. I trust, your thread is not posted for any commercial prupose at a later date.

If so, your supremacy of trading system can be posted in many of the sites in India where people will be interested in trading.

Trust, I am not over stretching in my language.

This forum is a world class one of traders from financial market. Your message seem to show your supremacy of having made a system for trading Nifty futures of India.

M'am, I am well aware about the reputation of this forum and need no schooling from you on this, please reread my first post wherein i have mentioned that i am a beginner in this most competetive arena of trading and assuming it to be my self introduction as "self supremacy" is too far fetched in your opinion.

There is no secrecy in this forum and every member shares his experience of his trading system and methods. Its a open book place. I trust, your thread is not posted for any commercial prupose at a later date.

FYI, since january till date, the system has returned a net loss of 400 points, as you may note in the thread that i carry positions overnight and the gap openings and intense volatility have caused a series of consecutive and huge losses (12 in a row in feb-08) was fortunate enough to be papertrading in Jan and Feb, am starting realtime from 24-Mar-08 and will be posting here only on days when trades were executed.
"No Commercial Purpose at all, appreciate your trust"

If so, your supremacy of trading system can be posted in many of the sites in India where people will be interested in trading.

If i had a commercial objective, i would have certainly joined and advertised in the many forums active in india instead of T2W, M'am, It is not so.. as clarified above

Trust, I am not over stretching in my language.

Not at all, thanks for passing by

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