newsletters: which ones are worth subscribing to ?


Can anyone recommend some great newsletters ? I am thinking market timing newsletters or specific stock recommendations newsletters ? Is the James Dines newsletter worth subscribing to ? thanks for sharing
I guess there isn't any good newsletter out there, noone has ever used a newsletter that turned out to be valuable ? I am thinking about subscribing to Fuller Money, their fundamental commentary is interesting but I was wondering about their trade recommendations, what they would be like . Anyone has experience with FullerMoney? Also still interested in any feedback you have about the James Dines Newsletter.
Most advisory services for traders are crap, some are worth checking out . I know this one is pretty decent, the editor called teh recent rally in Gold and is often right about short term moves, I think they trade real $ . I have never subscribed I just read their free stuff

there are some very good investment newsletters out there. I think you can count James Dines among them although he's often very early in the cycle . Is he still calling for $1000 Gold? I registered with Fuller Money for samples and their commentary is very interesting indeed, couldn't tell if their trade recommendations make money ...
Good luck