News from AIQ re their new USA L2


Legendary member
coppied from the aiq news letter....

AIQ Nasdaq Level II nears completion - listen to what our beta
testers are saying.
AIQ's new Nasdaq Level II trading tool is now close to completion.
When the upgrade for this exciting new product becomes available
AIQ will be e-mailing all our clients.

Here's what one of our beta testers said about this new tool

....Many very useful tools in one chart. Bid and Ask columns with
the size and axe, highlighted with the visual Series Volume Chart
provide you with an instantaneous picture of the movement of the
stock's MM's. This L2 display is reinforced and improved with the
Sales Transaction chart with real time, buy and sell numbers. Each
individual buy and sell is charted and tracked to display the stock's
sales trend. All these features are contained in one chart.....