News Channel


Hey traders,

Can someone recommend a good place to get up to date round the clock economy/political news from for forex trading?

On my forex platform I have the calendar where the news releases come out with their impact ratios, however (I am new to forex), it seems as though politicians can just say something and the prices spikes or falls rapidly, today for example, someones just come out and said that Europe is close to a deal with the UK and the EUR spiked, but it is not on any calendars for news releases, it is just comments that they make.

Is there a source that traders get live realtime news like that?

Thanks all,
Thank you. I now use FX Street and Daily FX for real time news, and I have the free bloomberg channel on also, I will check out forex factory also. Cheers
The Brexit negotiations are an added fundamental risk issue right now. The EUR and GBP will rise fast on any news even a tweet that a Brexit deal is close, though as detail and comments emerge, we might just be left flat after a huge storm of volatility. EUR/GBP could go any which way.

If approach to a deal is rumoured but someone key resigns in protest or after a move to show no-confidence, whether May or Junker or Barnier or half May's Cabinet, these trades become pure gambles.
The charts seem to do what they were going to do anyway but you have to let the news spike the price and have your stop far enough away from it to ride the storm. I am still trading the GBP, I do understand what you are saying with their comments spiking the price, but once the initial reaction has calmed down the price goes back to what it was going to do before (unless the comments or news are strong enough to completely change the direction of the trend).

It certainly is more risky to trade those pairs right now as it may stop you out on any comments, however I am finding sometimes the comments help you get to your take profit order faster.