Newbie help on ETFs


Junior member
Hey Everyone!

Great forum, delighted to be a part of it, I was wondering if anyone could help a newbie 🙂 a little bit of background on me:

28 years old, left college at 20 to start working on a Fintech Start up done quite well, currently most of my assets are in property while also owning 2% of the company.

Having only just moved to the US (L1A Visa holder) It means that I cant invest in property due to visa constraints, therefore, I have become very interested in buying stocks as I hate seeing my cash earn no interest! I've particularly been interested in index funds, as frankly, I don't have the time nor mental capacity at the end of the day to invest hours making well thought out educated stock picks. Far too busy with work!

I have circa 100k in cash in my account, and I wanted buy:
  • Schwab S&P 500 ETF (Low risk?)
  • Vanguard High Dividend ETF
  • Some type of Tech based ETF? (Targeting Growth)
  • Some type of emerging market ETF (Targeting growth)
My issue is, I'm very concerned that I'm buying at the market top, and that if I just hold out to buy in the next 12/18/24 months I'll be able to acquire them at a better rate, I do understand that I shouldn't be trying to time the market, but at the same time as I am not already invested would it be wise to time my market entrance at where the S&P seems to be finding some sort of support, at circa 2350?

If anyone can help me clear this fog that would be brilliant!

Hi! No idea, whether you still have your entrance problems.

My advice - triple -betting: Buy 1/3 of your target now, put a buy limit around 33% below current price level for another
third of your money and spend the final third 0n a time discipline; eg buying each of the following 6 months in 6 equal installments.
After the 6 month without having triggered your price limit you can decide whether to wait another x months, prolong your investment plan for another x months or to spent full sum on a single purchase.

Emerging Markets might be interesting from a diversification or timing aspect, for long term investments they are suboptimal.My favourites are
MOAT, PDP, PKW, SPYD, SPLV and some tech tilt: SKYY, FDN and in case of sectors; XLP, XLV
nothing fancy but solid quality