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That's good of you - this could easily turn into a ****-waving contest which would distract from the point.
Yes I have - albeit not the specfic combination of techniques I use now. The tests I have performed previously were using several individual componenents of my current methodology and without fail, they worked better when combined with fibs than when traded blindly. I also have trade logs going back years which prove to me in black and white that the trade signals I generate are more effective when combined with fib levels than when not.
True enough - but without the information provided to me by the indicators I use, it would be impossible to trade the way I do, and hence the bills would probably go unpaid 🙂 See that's the thing - I'm more than happy to accept that there are many traders out there earning a good living without even a chart, let alone an indicator or two. I'm not quite sure why you're so unwilling to accept that the opposite can also be true?
Who said they were magical? You have an odd habit of putting words in people's mouths. I've never once said they are magical or that they are the holy grail - I have merely stated that in my extensive experience, they can form a consistently effective part of a trading strategy when used intelligently. Same goes for MA's, trendlines, even pivots. I can demonstrate more examples of the effectiveness of fib levels than you could reasonably ascribe to chance, and I therefore disagree with your statement that they are "nonsense".
Is any of the above more relevant than the question - can they be demonstrated to be effective on a regular basis? Like I say, I HAVE tested comparisons between trades with fibs and without - fibs were, without question, more effective. I'll have a root round my old PC and see if I can dig out my spreadsheets...
Absolutely - sometimes they are, in fact it's something I count on a lot of the time. Sometimes when I see the suckers getting in on a 50% retrace it's like shooting fish in a barrel - but there are sucker fibs and there are effective fibs. I think most people fail to realise that not all fibs are alike, nor do they all have the same probability of success. It's like the MACD example I mentioned. Trade every cross and you'll get slaughtered. Trade those with trend and you'll probably do a little better. Trade those with trend and in rising volatility and you might do better still, etc...
To be honest DT I think if you spent a day in my trading room, you'd probably have some sort of seizure when presented with all the oscillators/MA's/channels/fibs etc 🙂 BUt still, as long as everyone does what works for them...
You fail to understand 2 basic points here.
1 - I do look at Fib levels myself
2 - I am not saying that you don't use them in your trading and I am not saying you are not profitable
I am just saying that the concept behind Fibonacci is total nonsense.
This seems to be confusing. How can I use something I think is total nonsense ? How can I totally accept that you use something to trade off yet still know it's total nonsense ?
The fact is, you could get down on your knees and pray before every trading session and then say that this is the reason for you being succesful. In my opninion this would also be nonsense.
If I came up with a new trading technique based on the patterns in the water lilies in the local temple, you'd think I was mad. If I came up with a technique based on astrology, you'd think I was mad. I could show you years of results of my water lilly and astrology technique and you would tell me (as I am telling you) that the astrology and lillies had very little to do with my success and in fact - something else was making me succesful. You might even say that with my water lilly andastology technique, all I was getting was the CONFIDENCE TO ENTER a trade and that my own good sense in managing that trade was actually the key to my success.
So - when someone comes along and is using a set of numbers defined by some Italian Mathematician in the middle ages, a set of numbers that can be seen in the fruitlets of a pineapple, the leaves on a stem, I'll tell that person it's the same thing.
There's nothing wrong in all of this. It is our nature to ascribe cause to effect, just as it is our nature to want something else - be it an indicator, fib level etc to define points of interest on our chart to absolve us of the responsibility of making a decision. Perhaps the ONlY thing that fibs and indicators are doing for you are allowing you to enter the market without hesitation.
Otherwise, there really is no relationship between the markets, leaves, artichokes, pineapples etc any more that my "water lilly and astrology" method.
No relationship has ever been explained or shown through rigorous experimentation.