New Website Launches!


Thanks to everyone who supported the site launch by joining our little get together in the T2W pub.

As you may noticed some sections of the site are still being worked on, particularly the knowledge bank and the tools section. I will be working hard next week finishing these sections off.

But a lot of work has been done, and the competition is up and running so please do enter it. There might be a few teething problems tomorrow and next week, but the winner is guaranteed an exclusive T2W tshirt. You can't knock that! lol

In the meantime, enjoy the new site. I'm proud of it and I hope you are too!

Very nice.

You make it look easy, but I'm sure it isn't.

Thanks for all the hard work.
Very classy Sharks. Most impressive.
Just had a quick tour, and the book section where you give a price comparison is very useful.
On me little tour I clicked on the comp section and now find that I have entered meself into the competition without really meaning to 🙁
Never mind, I guess I had better have a go at it now.
Mine's a medium t shirt m8. (Just thought it would save you asking me later) 😉

John (options)
Hi Sharky,

Apologies for not being able to stick around longer last night to see the new look (and very good looking too) new site up and running. But maybe valentines day was a bad choice 🙂 I had other demands on my time ;-).

Thanks for all the hard work.
Hi Sharky
Sorry about above post, I got called away. Any-way congrats the site looks great. Thanks for all your time and effort.

Good luck

Poof! it's gone. CM