New Trader need help setting up.


Hello all. First I wanna thank anyone and everyone for helping me with this post.

I have been trading stocks and wanna start trading the E-mini. I would like some help with choosing a trading platform and broker, keeping in mind that I have a starting capital of $2,500 to $3,000 and would like to trade just 1 ES contract per day. I have been doing some research but I am currently overloaded with many different information.

I need help with setting up with the right platform + broker so I can start with the right foot. Im looking for a broker with a flat commission of $5 or less Round Trip and a platform when i can trade from the chart. also, is my initial capital too small ?

Guys any help, link or lead that will provide me with some easy to understand help on getting me started will be greatly appreciated.

Again thanks !!!
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