New to trading


Junior member
You can class me as a newbie at trading but I want to dip my toes in and have a go. I had good success with arbitrage but it does get boring and my wife wasn't too pleased with me expending many hours for and average of £20.00 per day. Sometimes less and occasionally a lot more.

I've read a number of threads, Ian williams, Vince Stanzione, turtle trading etc. I know I could waste a couple of grand going on a seminar which would probably be great but in reality... where does that take me.

Any decent books or assistance from those who have been there and done it would be greatly appreciated.

Finally, should anyone want general legal help and it's in my field of civil litigation i'll be more than happy to help.

🙂 No, I'm not touting for business as my client base is bursting at the seams. 🙂
Thanks for the private messages.......... John Bartlett seems to be the recommendation.

Again, thank you to all who took the time.

Actung, Two books I found very useful are How I Made $2000,000 IN the Stock Market and Wall Street The other Las Vagas by Nicolas Darvas. Written a long while a go but the basic message still holds true today imho.
rigger12 said:
Actung, Two books I found very useful are How I Made $2000,000 IN the Stock Market and Wall Street The other Las Vagas by Nicolas Darvas. Written a long while a go but the basic message still holds true today imho.

I agree. Very good books. 😉
I think John Murphy's book on Technical Analysis is the most important book you can read.

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Zing said:
I think John Murphy's book on Technical Analysis is the most important book you can read.


Yes, a very good book. But Darvas' books are better... 😉
1. Mastering The Trade by John Carter

2. Forecasting Financial Markets by Tony Plummer

The above books are very good ones as well.
Has it never occured to any of these forums with all these traders looking for help on how to make money, that all these markets are made up with investors money money be it $indu nasdaq options futures whatever spread betting, that it does not matter which trading company you use its ok to trade with small amounts, but you could never trade with large amounts to make serious money because none of these trading companies will guarantee for mistakes stops that fall through etc, investors will never allow the ordinary punter to make serious money because it would be taking it out of there very own pockets, theirs always going to be excuses like a computer error your pc is not working properly, the statisitc clearly show you at one glance, that the only people making serious money are all these trading companies, who then when the ordinary punter becomes complacent, they then introduce another product or new platform to trade with, to intice punters who have lost in the past to have another go, my boyfriend, works at the high end of IT and although i have made money on trading when you start to win to many times, they then start telling you that its your computer that not working properly and that they are not going to be held responsible, if they see you are winning, they then put in mistakes on your account . Its all one big con, and i have been trading for four years.
Do not believe their lies, never be inticed back in with new gimmicks or products, everybodys computers work fine, so do not believe the city or Wall street as they are having the last laugh on everyone !! Justine Bohan
justinebohan said:
Has it never occured to any of these forums with all these traders looking for help on how to make money, that all these markets are made up with investors money money be it $indu nasdaq options futures whatever spread betting, that it does not matter which trading company you use its ok to trade with small amounts, but you could never trade with large amounts to make serious money because none of these trading companies will guarantee for mistakes stops that fall through etc, investors will never allow the ordinary punter to make serious money because it would be taking it out of there very own pockets, theirs always going to be excuses like a computer error your pc is not working properly, the statisitc clearly show you at one glance, that the only people making serious money are all these trading companies, who then when the ordinary punter becomes complacent, they then introduce another product or new platform to trade with, to intice punters who have lost in the past to have another go, my boyfriend, works at the high end of IT and although i have made money on trading when you start to win to many times, they then start telling you that its your computer that not working properly and that they are not going to be held responsible, if they see you are winning, they then put in mistakes on your account . Its all one big con, and i have been trading for four years.
Do not believe their lies, never be inticed back in with new gimmicks or products, everybodys computers work fine, so do not believe the city or Wall street as they are having the last laugh on everyone !! Justine Bohan

Someone sounds a tad bitter.
jezza888 said:
Someone sounds a tad bitter.
I see that you say you are a senior member and that you trade anything profitable, which markets do trade have you been trading a long time

My Senior member status is purely due to the number of posts I have made and I primarily trade currencies...
jezza888 said:
My Senior member status is purely due to the number of posts I have made and I primarily trade currencies...
how long have been trading currencies ? which trading companies do you use ?, i traded currencies for a while, but now trade indices
I started trading currencies in Asia in 1992. Took a break for a few years and have been trading again for 5 years. I use Oanda, FXCM and Capital spreads and hardly have any problems unless they are my own fault! Do you have a certain level you reach before you start having problems with your trading company?