New to the world of trading


Hello to everyone a newbie here, I have been looking at videos on YouTube searching the web for as much info about trading stocks that I can find, have been at it for almost 6 months now and I think I would like to stay for the long haul, if anyone could give me any suggestions on what would be my best direction to begin the journey of learning the proper way along with the does and don'ts it would be most appreciated. I feel that I would like to stick to just stocks for now, no options or forex at this time. I need to crawl before I can walk.
specialising is good once you have sampled the many styles and approaches to trading ........just keep learning and researching and playing demo ......

you will know when you are ready to trade real money

Hi railrunner,
Welcome to T2W.

Take a look at the first two links in my signature and be sure to read these two FAQs: Essentials Of Stocks and Essentials Of 'Indices'. In addition to the above, there is a section devoted to stocks in the Articles section of T2W. Loads of good info for you to get stuck into!

As a general rule of thumb, the more specific you're able to make your questions - the better - as you're more likely to get an answer tailored to your particular interests and circumstances.