new to spreadbetting


Junior member
hey all

I'm new to spreadbetting, I've only been using real cash for a couple of weeks but I'm following a system and so far i'm doing ok. if there are any other novices like me out there who might fancy it you can follow my progress via my daily twitter @thespreadtrader and my weekly blog

I'm trying to find like-minded spreadbetters, perhaps new perhaps experienced who might be interested in sharing experiences and tips etc.

cheers all.
er.i dont believe you. You say you are new and yet have everything set up and want us to follow you on twitter. Do you have other motives i wonder. I could be wrong if so I apologise. Why not call the trades out live on the live call thread,that way we can see how good the system is. If you are new why not ask for advice? Lots will follow you or a worthwhile system and pay good money for it. Dont get upset by the post but as a general rule a new poster asking us to follow on another thread is seen as dubious by many. Im sure you get my point

Thats a bit harsh man. Just because I have a twitter and a blog doesnt stop me being new to spread betting, just means I have a small degree of internet savvy-ness doesn't it? I didn't mean to come across as if I was trying to sell my system either. Sorry for that. I'm not at all. I havent been doing it long enough to know if it even works yet 🙂

I just wanted to see if I could get in touch with other people who spreadbet as i've not had much luck finding anyone who does financial rather than sport. I thought maybe i'd learn some other techniques from people or the general "what not to do" sort of thing.

I did my blog because I thought it'd be cool to document my journey, a way of learning from my past mistakes and stuff. I started it in a word doc and then thought maybe others might be interested in it and that it might HELP me get involved in the community (if there is one out there). After a couple of people started to follow me on twitter I thought I might go the extra mile and join the only forum I could find that wasn't dedicated to the sports spread betting industry and plug it a little bit.

Thats it really.

er.i dont believe you. You say you are new and yet have everything set up and want us to follow you on twitter. Do you have other motives i wonder. I could be wrong if so I apologise. Why not call the trades out live on the live call thread,that way we can see how good the system is. If you are new why not ask for advice? Lots will follow you or a worthwhile system and pay good money for it. Dont get upset by the post but as a general rule a new poster asking us to follow on another thread is seen as dubious by many. Im sure you get my point
Harsh but so often true Im afraid,weve seen it all before. If im wrong Ill apologise. you can join the live call thread,theres often quite a few on there calling trades and chatting.Good luck
Harsh but so often true Im afraid,weve seen it all before. If im wrong Ill apologise. you can join the live call thread,theres often quite a few on there calling trades and chatting.Good luck

no apology needed, i guess if you get a lot of people selling stuff on here then its fair enough. im definately new though, honest guv'nor. 🙂

i'll check that thread out now. ta
Hey everyone Hav really enjoyed my first couple of weeks spreadbetting and i've done massively off the back of Silvers rise and the ASOS shares. Just following trends. Check out my blog to see my results and get in touch if your up for a chat and swapping theories/ideas etc. Cheers
Hey Chris,

Like you I am new to spread betting, my focus is futures, commodities and some stocks (tech, mining, financials).

Followed you on Twitter @askoudros

So far April was a good month for Crude, Silver, Gold and Platinum as with most trades its about timing. Well done on your success.

At the moment i've only touched commodities and shares (US/UK). I'm following trends and I seem to find better longer term trends in the shares and commodities than I do in say Indicies and Forex. Although I would like to give both of those a whirl sometime.

With regards to timing I get the impression there are a lot of theories on how to read the best entry/exit points on a trade. I'm using simple moving averages at the moment to indicate buy/sell. I tend to get in a little late and get out a little late using this system but still walk away with some profit. I'm sure there are better systems but i'm thinking about sticking with this for 6 months to see what I get and then try something different for 6 months to see the difference.

Catch you on twitter.
Lord Flasheart - WTF? No wonder people stay away from forums or only lurk with that attitude you give. You just completely jumped on the guy for no reason. He made it 100% clear he was new to this game so I don't see any reason to give him stick. He should receive encouragement to learn and do well.

Twitter and blogs are so common that any dick and harry has them so I don't see where you get the idea he's going to sell anything. If someone was going to sell any system or anything else, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't post that their just starting out!

@thespreadtrader - Nevermind that plonk. Best of luck with your trading and enjoy the journey of learning. I'll check your blog from time to time and will follow on twitter when i get around to joining myself.
Good luck I'm mainly a lurker here, new to spread betting myself and I check your blog regularly.
Will follow on twitter too when I get around to joining as well!
thespreadtrader - I admire your openness and commitment to learning the craft in public, but wouldn't you get more input from successful people by posting your trades here, where any and all can contribute? It's a tough place to post trades, everyone of us old b@st@ards here has had the hard experience of losing a lot of money at some time, so we're a little embittered sometimes. But if you post real-time trades, with your reasoning and TA, you will hear all about what you did wrong - and isn't that the point?
Hey everyone.

Still going with the Spreadbetting. The blog is still there too or you can also access the same thing at Spreadbet Beginner Blog

Not selling anything. Just following a long term trend trading system and making small profits for now. Anyone new to spreadbetting whose interested in how i'm getting on should pop on over to the blog and check it out. I keep a running list of positions and i've recently started doing some videos on youtube too, also available via the blog.

just looking to interact with more spreadbetting people and carry on learning.

Twitter: @traderchilli
Before you rush to open an account, here's my advice:

Never gamble more than you can cheerfully afford to throw in the gutter. If you're playing with money you can't afford to lose, you'll 'play scared' and make emotional decisions... which almost guarantees you'll get wiped out fast.

Be realistic. Why do you want to spread bet? Many people treat it as a hobby; they love the adrenaline rush of winning (I've made £250 in less than three minutes on several occasions) and are prepared to take their losses on the chin (I've squandered £250 in less than two minutes on several occasions). If you're determined to get rich, the bad news is that it won't be easy, while the good news is that it IS possible. Spread trading, as winners prefer to call it, is a skill that can be learned. Read books. Subscribe to magazines. Take courses. Study share price charts. Practice by doing. Expect to lose before you start to win.

Start small. The harsh reality is that most beginners lose their money. But you don't have to join them. With most companies, the minimum trade is £1 a point. However, there are others, like the company I use (I confess I chose them originally because they have the best colour scheme) that let beginners try their hand trading 1p a point for the first few weeks. That's an excellent way to decide if you're enjoying yourself, without risking too much.

Specialise. Get to know a few markets really well, rather than playing the field. Each one tends to have a rhythm of its own. The people who make most money aren't random traders. They might only trade on the price of gold... or a few specific stocks... or exclusively on oil.

Manage your money. The winners I know never place more than 2% of their bank at risk on any single trade. So with a bank of £2,000, you're prepared for a maximum loss of £40. You set your stop-loss accordingly, and if you're buying the FTSE at 50p, your trade is closed automatically if the index drops 80 points.

Cut your losses - fast. One guaranteed way to go bust is to watch your trade sink into debt. You think to yourself, "It's only a theoretical loss. And the price is bound to recover." Trust me, most times it doesn't and you only end up losing more.

Don't panic when you make a profit! There's a saying that beginners run their losses and cut their profits. It's true. A trade works out beautifully... you're making £100... you take the money... if you'd waited another few minutes, you'd have made £150. Then again, there's another saying that no-one goes broke taking a profit. Have fun!
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