New Spreads

bobl boy

Junior member
I am currently trading Euribor/Shatz spread but am looking at trading something else in the future which has the potential to earn more income from or as something to trade when Euribor/shatz spread is not trading well.Could anyone recomend a good spread or outright product .I have heard that the old IPE locals are doing well on the screens and there is a lot of money to make as a local on the screen does anyone know if they trade spreads if so which ones or do they trade outrights mainly.
bobl boy said:
I am currently trading Euribor/Shatz spread but am looking at trading something else in the future which has the potential to earn more income from or as something to trade when Euribor/shatz spread is not trading well.Could anyone recomend a good spread or outright product .I have heard that the old IPE locals are doing well on the screens and there is a lot of money to make as a local on the screen does anyone know if they trade spreads if so which ones or do they trade outrights mainly.

There is a lot of spread trading in oil, inter-month, crack spreads and the WTI/Brent spread
Ok thanks Jimbo57 is there anywhere arcades etc teaching these strategies.Is there easier money to be made trading on the IPE at present than trading the interest rate markets on LIFFE and EUREX as I would think not as many locals are trading them only the old floor traders and so there is more paper to trade relative to the number of locals compared with the interest rate futures markets.Also overall do spread traders or outright traders earn the most money.I would think it is very hard to earn 7 figures a year trading spreads in any market where as if you are a good outright trader this would be possible.