i didnt mind, i just share my chart and opinion nothing else, i have to learn more & more from you, you are the Hero, believe me i love your work.
hey Sun ........😎....don't blame yourself on these calls like this ........I don't take these trades as its specialised stuff here from F
to me I see a Bear GU Sell from 7.30's (whoch I took anyway)....then a solid push back up into 8am bar ...........earliest for me back in selling in would have been 8.10-8.12 .................F walks on water in these scenarios ........his experience gets him in usually 5 pips at least before I press the button :smart:
and he still does on me ...so don't lose sleep 😆
everybody had a good go at trying to get F to make a live call here..
42 pages later and guess what...
Hi Mike
I remember that thread last year and playing with the "kids"
What happened to Rob and some of those other guys ?
You must be just another member of the alternative fan club - because you are so bias and "spinning yarns" its so obvious to see - nothing wrong with us all having a laugh but the old school club do not like it when the joke is on them
Ok - so Major Magnum and NVP - who started following my threads from over 2 yrs ago and then Sun and Nick and the other 55 members who are now listed must all be "dreamers" and must be just hypnotized by my skills - because they see thing happen pre Real time - not hindsight swing trades so many of the old lot did on this forum
I have said hundreds of times - I am not a trade alert service and so if I call anything from 10 to 25 calls through out the day - less than maybe 3 or 4 will be live calls in advance - pre move - most are posted within 3 mins of moves and then the rest nowadays are with charts shown in advance with arrows on - a before the move and then another chart after the move as part finished or totally ended
Here's 2 recent comments - the one from NVP is from today. NVP as been scalping off and on for over 15 yrs - even longer than me - but with me being full time over the last 8 years - that's like 20+ yrs part time experience
i didnt mind, i just share my chart and opinion nothing else, i have to learn more & more from you, you are the Hero, believe me i love your work.
hey Sun ........😎....don't blame yourself on these calls like this ........I don't take these trades as its specialised stuff here from F
to me I see a Bear GU Sell from 7.30's (whoch I took anyway)....then a solid push back up into 8am bar ...........earliest for me back in selling in would have been 8.10-8.12 .................F walks on water in these scenarios ........his experience gets him in usually 5 pips at least before I press the button :smart:
and he still does on me ...so don't lose sleep 😆
I am sure you have seen Sun's thread - she has seen many calls - LIVE IN ADVANCE OF MOVES - thats why she wanted me to help her - as she was fascinated how I could do it. Over this last 5 months - Sun as seen my intraday expertise in detail and although she is not quite at a consistent level yet - she is getting there.
You would have to be - dumb - blind and never really looked through my thread to think I cannot trade - but you only need a couple of haters ( and I have got maybe 2 dozen on this forum ) to spread lies and "spin" and traders who don't really follow me then think - he's another dodgy vendor etc etc
Throw enough sh*t - and some of it will stick - that's a method used by so many all the way around the world . Then hhiusa and others wonder why I am so arrogant - when you are good at your craft - you can always hold your head up high and laugh at the sh*te being thrown at you
Timsk had mentioned to me in my first 6 months - stop repeating stuff
Well guys like you and others have forced me to keep repeating the "truth" otherwise if I didn't the "bad guys" would win - and the "good guys" would miss out
I am not used to losing - I found that difficult with my first few years trading - when you are a winner - you are in control - but others will always try and knock you off your "perch" - and of course this forum as been noted for years for all its jokers etc etc
You have a good weekend Mike and I hope you have had a good trading day
I have ;-)
PS - Forgot to mention - again another thread taken of topic by F's alternative Fans - and then will try and blame me for commenting - again another trick used by the desperate ;-)