Negative Balance Protection

Actually you haven't provided proof of anything. You waffle back-and-forth saying that you only expose 1.5% of your account and then you say you want me expose 3% of your account. Previously you said that you have 10 pip stops now you're telling me that you have three pip stops. You certainly like to brag about your figures but you never show any proof. I would certainly like to see proof that you make 50+ percent a year.

Since you trade so frequently as you say it should be no problem to furnish real proof of 100 trades with a 61-87% win ratio.

CV and The others are right I haven't seen a single real trade on that thread since it started to years ago.

If you don't want to look at my Journal for what proof looks like, then just check @Quest2016's journal.

I have no problem for you and C_V and any T2W member thinking he does not trade at all - he's wasted 13/ 14 yrs - he even wipes out his demo account every week and the 30 months he's spent calling thousands of trades on his threads was purely to "wind up " all losing traders - because that's the logic of so many "nics" on this forum


Unfortunately - you would all be just so wrong 😀

PS - Forgot to mention - even if just 2% of all traders around the world make consistent monies - that means there are between 20000 and 60000 retail traders making consistent returns.

I have always felt so many members here think - no FX trader can ever make consistent monies - and so no way can Forexmospherian be successful ;-)
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I have no problem for you and C_V and any T2W member thinking he does not trade at all - he's wasted 13/ 14 yrs - he even wipes out his demo account every week and the 30 months he's spent calling thousands of trades on his threads was purely to "wind up " all losing traders - because that's the logic of so many "nics" on this forum


Unfortunately - you would all be just so wrong 😀

Everyone thinks you're lying and wasting your time not because they're jealous as you would have most people believe. I'm sure several people would agree with me that the main thing that irritates them about you is your irrational arrogance and secondly the fact that you don't post any evidence.

You have a persecution complex.
Agree - we all have our own unique circumstances

But - think about it - if a part time trader had a spare $10k from somewhere and only made 20% on it in a year - ie $2k - but it only took him say 10 hrs in total to do it - then on hourly rate he would be far better off than in McD's
That would make him an investor not a trader.

However if he spent 10 hrs a week and say 450 hrs a year and made $2k - then he might earn more part time - and so would have to count his trading as a hobby that he enjoys rather than really a money making venture.

Trouble is 90% of guys who do invest $10k - are more likely to lose $2k trading and in some cases even lose it all

What is important though is that negative balance protection that is open to all retail traders* at many Brokers - and then a $10k account even suffering a major black swan event can never mean you owe the broker $18 k or even double - whatever leverage you play with
I think it is a great idea if you trade with leverage and essential really.



*Depends on size of retail traders capital account with many broker from what I understand

At least one broker changed their margin on Indices recently as the volatility was too much with the negative balance protection. Apparently what one could do was to take the same trade in both directions on two accounts at the close, where the margin was under 50 pips on Dax and 78 on Dow and as the particular broker did not trade after Dow close till 07.00 London time it was a pretty easy game. Now they have doubled the margins on those but I believe it was a lot of fun for those switched on to it for 2 months :whistling

Horses for courses, though one reason most retail punters die is purely down to the leverage offered but if the leverage was not offered most would not sweat all day for 0.5% return on their $5k account.
I am not pontificating about the correct method of trading. I am only discussing leverage as it pertains to @Forexmospherian.

If you believe he has proof of any trading activity much less 50% a year, I implore you to show it to me because he will not and I suspect he cannot.

Not every post here pertains exclusively to you or F.

There are a number of good reasons to use leverage.

I am not a bookkeeper for F, though I do not doubt he trades daily. How prolific he is I do not know.
Everyone thinks you're lying and wasting your time not because they're jealous as you would have most people believe. I'm sure several people would agree with me that the main thing that irritates them about you is your irrational arrogance and secondly the fact that you don't post any evidence.

You have a persecution complex.

I am never "arrogant" or a "know all" to the "good guys" as one of my trading colleagues calls them - in fact I go out my way to try and be helpful if I believe they are genuine and are prepared to spend the time and dedication it takes over several years - after their initial 2 year of just being a "newbie"

Surely you know many of the reasons why I dont post any of my own personal trading financial information - here's just 10 reasons

1. Nobody would believe the figures - as they did for a start with Major Magnums statements

2. They would always say they have been "paint shopped" etc

3. Without providing over 2 years statements - again cherry picked would be the comment and yes we all have the odd good days

4. My personal trading accounts are private and confidential and I even commented in my first week - I would never disclose them for many various reasons

5. If I cannot trade or as many say - I am just an hindsight trader etc - why do traders with over 10 years of experience praise me ?

6. Many would spot I take trades I don't always call on my thread and similar some trades I call on my thread ( in advance) I don't always trade on the same account.

7. This leads to many thinking I am operating with 2 accounts and sell on one and buy on the other and only post the good results etc

8. Is my account in my name - or as it been copied from another trader off the internet ?

9. Proper experienced Full time retail FX traders will always spot another successful trader. They don't need to see their figures or statements - its the method that is more important

10.In my old thread I did on three or 4 separate occasions post my statement blotter showing entry price - time and stake size - just to prove that I had taken the entry prior to the actual main move - I dont think I deleted them - but even then it caused others to dislike me further - and I admit - I have put too many old members noses out of joint - so why cause them more trouble ?


Not every post here pertains exclusively to you or F.

There are a number of good reasons to use leverage.

I am not a bookkeeper for F, though I do not doubt he trades daily. How prolific he is I do not know.

1. Nobody said you were his bookkeeper.
2. Since you believe he trains daily , you must have a reason for this. I haven't seen anything I would consider proof.
3. Every post here does not pertain to me; however, when I do make a post but it does pertain to me. I am not calling out everyone on this forum only F. If other people in this thread were making such ridiculous claims I would be calling them out too.
1. Nobody said you were his bookkeeper.
2. Since you believe he trains daily , you must have a reason for this. I haven't seen anything I would consider proof.
3. Every post here does not pertain to me; however, when I do make a post but it does pertain to me. I am not calling out everyone on this forum only F. If other people in this thread were making such ridiculous claims I would be calling them out too.

So you have a handful of "numbers praising you, big deal. :clap:

You haven't posted a single treed much last two years worth. Why don't you start with the basics and post a single trade.

I would have no reason to doubt you if your statements had all of the requisite information that I required to verify them.
1. Nobody said you were his bookkeeper.
We can continue this if you wish. I never said you said I was his bookkeeper.

2. Since you believe he trains daily , you must have a reason for this. I haven't seen anything I would consider proof.
Yes I do have a reason to believe he trades daily, or when he says he is at least.

3. Every post here does not pertain to me; however, when I do make a post but it does pertain to me. I am not calling out everyone on this forum only F. If other people in this thread were making such ridiculous claims I would be calling them out too.

When I made a general comment on leverage in trading, it was in no way a comment on any of your posts, just my general feelings on the topic.

I have found F's method very useful.

I can understand people getting irked if one kept claiming greatness or whatever but I think at this stage nothing is going to change, not even for you.
I feel like zebedee, for those of us old enough to remember and I will step off now, I am getting dizzy.
everybody had a good go at trying to get F to make a live call here..


42 pages later and guess what...😆

F said he would make a live call on that thread in 2014. 😆😆😆

Well, two years and 42 pages later, there are not any live calls from F.

1) Enter the time you placed the trade (within 1 minute of taking the trade)
2) Specify the price you entered the trade at
3) Stop Loss level, eg 10, 20 or none.
4) Limit level target or
5) Exit strategy if your limit isn't acheived.
6) Show a screenshot of your entry from your blotter for confirmation of your claim


1) Identify target areas, eg: long above X levels or short below X level
2) Never confirm the entry price you achieved when you executed the trade.
3) Claim you made X pips/points from trading No 1 above
4) Never state stops or limits
5) Never under any circumstances provide evidence of your claim
6) Continue to claim your an expert.

Does option 2 remind anybody of anyone? I certainly does for me. 😗whistling:whistling
i didnt mind, i just share my chart and opinion nothing else, i have to learn more & more from you, you are the Hero, believe me i love your work.


hey Sun ........😎....don't blame yourself on these calls like this ........I don't take these trades as its specialised stuff here from F

to me I see a Bear GU Sell from 7.30's (whoch I took anyway)....then a solid push back up into 8am bar ...........earliest for me back in selling in would have been 8.10-8.12 .................F walks on water in these scenarios ........his experience gets him in usually 5 pips at least before I press the button :smart:

and he still does on me don't lose sleep 😆


everybody had a good go at trying to get F to make a live call here..


42 pages later and guess what...😆

Hi Mike

I remember that thread last year and playing with the "kids"

What happened to Rob and some of those other guys ?

You must be just another member of the alternative fan club - because you are so bias and "spinning yarns" its so obvious to see - nothing wrong with us all having a laugh but the old school club do not like it when the joke is on them

Ok - so Major Magnum and NVP - who started following my threads from over 2 yrs ago and then Sun and Nick and the other 55 members who are now listed must all be "dreamers" and must be just hypnotized by my skills - because they see thing happen pre Real time - not hindsight swing trades so many of the old lot did on this forum

I have said hundreds of times - I am not a trade alert service and so if I call anything from 10 to 25 calls through out the day - less than maybe 3 or 4 will be live calls in advance - pre move - most are posted within 3 mins of moves and then the rest nowadays are with charts shown in advance with arrows on - a before the move and then another chart after the move as part finished or totally ended

Here's 2 recent comments - the one from NVP is from today. NVP as been scalping off and on for over 15 yrs - even longer than me - but with me being full time over the last 8 years - that's like 20+ yrs part time experience

i didnt mind, i just share my chart and opinion nothing else, i have to learn more & more from you, you are the Hero, believe me i love your work.


hey Sun ........😎....don't blame yourself on these calls like this ........I don't take these trades as its specialised stuff here from F

to me I see a Bear GU Sell from 7.30's (whoch I took anyway)....then a solid push back up into 8am bar ...........earliest for me back in selling in would have been 8.10-8.12 .................F walks on water in these scenarios ........his experience gets him in usually 5 pips at least before I press the button :smart:

and he still does on me don't lose sleep 😆


I am sure you have seen Sun's thread - she has seen many calls - LIVE IN ADVANCE OF MOVES - thats why she wanted me to help her - as she was fascinated how I could do it. Over this last 5 months - Sun as seen my intraday expertise in detail and although she is not quite at a consistent level yet - she is getting there.

You would have to be - dumb - blind and never really looked through my thread to think I cannot trade - but you only need a couple of haters ( and I have got maybe 2 dozen on this forum ) to spread lies and "spin" and traders who don't really follow me then think - he's another dodgy vendor etc etc

Throw enough sh*t - and some of it will stick - that's a method used by so many all the way around the world . Then hhiusa and others wonder why I am so arrogant - when you are good at your craft - you can always hold your head up high and laugh at the sh*te being thrown at you

Timsk had mentioned to me in my first 6 months - stop repeating stuff

Well guys like you and others have forced me to keep repeating the "truth" otherwise if I didn't the "bad guys" would win - and the "good guys" would miss out

I am not used to losing - I found that difficult with my first few years trading - when you are a winner - you are in control - but others will always try and knock you off your "perch" - and of course this forum as been noted for years for all its jokers etc etc

You have a good weekend Mike and I hope you have had a good trading day

I have ;-)



PS - Forgot to mention - again another thread taken of topic by F's alternative Fans - and then will try and blame me for commenting - again another trick used by the desperate ;-)
Hi Mike

I remember that thread last year and playing with the "kids"

What happened to Rob and some of those other guys ?

You must be just another member of the alternative fan club - because you are so bias and "spinning yarns" its so obvious to see - nothing wrong with us all having a laugh but the old school club do not like it when the joke is on them

Ok - so Major Magnum and NVP - who started following my threads from over 2 yrs ago and then Sun and Nick and the other 55 members who are now listed must all be "dreamers" and must be just hypnotized by my skills - because they see thing happen pre Real time - not hindsight swing trades so many of the old lot did on this forum

This is an appeal to popularity fallacy. No matter how popular an argument may be, does not make it a valid point. Additionally, 55 members is not some huge number considering the number of members here and the number of people who disagree with you.

See ad populum fallacy.

The ad populum fallacy is the appeal to the popularity of a claim as a reason for accepting it.

The number of people who believe a claim is irrelevant to its truth. Fifty million people can be wrong. In fact, millions of people have been wrong about many things: that the Earth is flat and motionless, for example, and that the stars are lights shining through holes in the sky.

The ad populum fallacy is also referred to as the bandwagon fallacy, the appeal to the mob, the democratic fallacy, and the appeal to popularity.

The ad populum fallacy is seductive because it appeals to our desire to belong and to conform, to our desire for security and safety. It is a common appeal in advertising and politics. A clever manipulator of the masses will try to seduce those who blithely assume that the majority is always right. Also seduced by this appeal will be the insecure, who may be made to feel guilty if they oppose the majority or feel strong by joining forces with large numbers of other uncritical thinkers.

I have said hundreds of times - I am not a trade alert service and so if I call anything from 10 to 25 calls through out the day - less than maybe 3 or 4 will be live calls in advance - pre move - most are posted within 3 mins of moves and then the rest nowadays are with charts shown in advance with arrows on - a before the move and then another chart after the move as part finished or totally ended

That is a convenient excuse. Nobody is asking for a trade alert. They are only asking for proof.

I am sure you have seen Sun's thread - she has seen many calls - LIVE IN ADVANCE OF MOVES - thats why she wanted me to help her - as she was fascinated how I could do it. Over this last 5 months - Sun as seen my intraday expertise in detail and although she is not quite at a consistent level yet - she is getting there.

Sun11 is not you. 😆😆😆
Nobody thinks you are a dodgy vendor, But just who do you think will use you as a alert service ? the 2-3 people on your thread through the day ? and would it be such a big deal if they did once or twice,

All you would have to do is say " i bought xyz at this price, at this stake, at this time, Stop is at this level ,tp is at this level.. That constitutes as a live call and credibility would be semi-restored..But we both know it aint gunna couldn't possibly show a trade ticket or statement because the show would be over, so the Ferris wheel keeps turning 24/7...365.. keep the illusion ?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder


  1. Impairments in self functioning (a or b):
    1. Identity: Excessive reference to others for self-definition and self-esteem regulation; exaggerated self-appraisal may be inflated or deflated, or vacillate between extremes; emotional regulation mirrors fluctuations in self-esteem.
    2. Self-direction: Goal-setting is based on gaining approval from others; personal standards are unreasonably high in order to see oneself as exceptional, or too low based on a sense of entitlement; often unaware of own motivations.
  2. Pathological personality traits in the following domain:
    1. Grandiosity: Feelings of entitlement, either overt or covert; self-centeredness; firmly holding to the belief that one is better than others; condescending toward others.
    2. Attention seeking: Excessive attempts to attract and be the focus of the attention of others; admiration seeking.

We have all seen the posts that look something like "I am an exception Forex trader". "Sun11 is good but I am better".

Sun as seen my intraday expertise in detail and although she is not quite at a consistent level yet - she is getting there.

The emotional regulation mirrors are the cult members.
Nobody thinks you are a dodgy vendor, But just who do you think will use you as a alert service ? the 2-3 people on your thread through the day ? and would it be such a big deal if they did once or twice,

All you would have to do is say " i bought xyz at this price, at this stake, at this time, Stop is at this level ,tp is at this level.. That constitutes as a live call and credibility would be semi-restored..But we both know it aint gunna couldn't possibly show a trade ticket or statement because the show would be over, so the Ferris wheel keeps turning 24/7...365.. keep the illusion ?

See Mike

Its shows that you are not really "au fait" with my method or the thread

1. Most days we have up to 30 followers - between 5 and 12 who are shown as members - all the others come through as guests. If its showing just 2 or 3 following - its because I am not there or it off peak time. I have seen over 30 guests + on very busy days at peak times

2. The Journal and previous thread have been amongst the most popular on the forum - some weeks I get over 2000 page reads and on the old "expert thread" it reached 10K some weeks - and now even though it stopped 6 months ago -it as 1 million 300 thousand post reads - over 200k more than when it was closed

3. This always make me laugh - I post my 6 key times for entries every hour - in advance. - then all my stops are between 3 and 7 pips - all depending on size of thread. I never have any trade with a stop over 7 pips. With the EU / GU / AU / UJ most stops are under 5 pips - lowest 3 pips. I don't think any trader would state that if they did not think they could catch a trade at the start of its move off an interim low or high. I therefore never have to post a individual stop price

4. Why is it 2 years ago the old school "Lulz" lot used to say - you cannot work on 3 to 5 pip stops - yes you can - and also you cannot blog and scalp - yes you can

5. The guys I want to help - are not newbie traders at all - you need at least 18 months of FX experience to understand the basics of my method - and then if the copy my LR chart set up with the time windows and key times - they can replicate my trades - give or take the real difficult scalps

6. Like I have said there are still at least 5 members on this forum who want me gone . At one time it was at least 12 members actively trying to get rid of me using all the tricks in the book - but again I must remind them they have failed

7. I am pleased you know I am not a dodgy vendor - I dont sell course or lessons or dvd's - subscriptions etc etc - I am a very competitive awkward old confident FX trader - who I would say is fairly unique. i dont like the "industry" I am in - but while it makes me money and pays the bills - then I have to accept it -

8. This year I am cutting back to only a few days a week - I am after all in my 60's - so maybe I will just move on - as I had originally planned to do after 1 year or so

Maybe you all think Major M or Nick or Sun are also all illusions - again in the past I have been accused as been every one of them - their statements etc of course don't count as you must think they are not trouble like F - plus the fact we cannot be bothered with them - we just want F

Remember the "star" of this last journal and other expert thread is NOT me - its my method - its that good !! - thank goodness it cannot be learnt in a few weeks or months and really only the "good guys" will get it to work ;-)

Must go - got a film to watch


See Mike

Its shows that you are not really "au fait" with my method or the thread

1. Most days we have up to 30 followers - between 5 and 12 who are shown as members - all the others come through as guests. If its showing just 2 or 3 following - its because I am not there or it off peak time. I have seen over 30 guests + on very busy days at peak times

2. The Journal and previous thread have been amongst the most popular on the forum - some weeks I get over 2000 page reads and on the old "expert thread" it reached 10K some weeks - and now even though it stopped 6 months ago -it as 1 million 300 thousand post reads - over 200k more than when it was closed

3. This always make me laugh - I post my 6 key times for entries every hour - in advance. - then all my stops are between 3 and 7 pips - all depending on size of thread. I never have any trade with a stop over 7 pips. With the EU / GU / AU / UJ most stops are under 5 pips - lowest 3 pips. I don't think any trader would state that if they did not think they could catch a trade at the start of its move off an interim low or high. I therefore never have to post a individual stop price

4. Why is it 2 years ago the old school "Lulz" lot used to say - you cannot work on 3 to 5 pip stops - yes you can - and also you cannot blog and scalp - yes you can

5. The guys I want to help - are not newbie traders at all - you need at least 18 months of FX experience to understand the basics of my method - and then if the copy my LR chart set up with the time windows and key times - they can replicate my trades - give or take the real difficult scalps

6. Like I have said there are still at least 5 members on this forum who want me gone . At one time it was at least 12 members actively trying to get rid of me using all the tricks in the book - but again I must remind them they have failed

7. I am pleased you know I am not a dodgy vendor - I dont sell course or lessons or dvd's - subscriptions etc etc - I am a very competitive awkward old confident FX trader - who I would say is fairly unique. i dont like the "industry" I am in - but while it makes me money and pays the bills - then I have to accept it -

8. This year I am cutting back to only a few days a week - I am after all in my 60's - so maybe I will just move on - as I had originally planned to do after 1 year or so

Maybe you all think Major M or Nick or Sun are also all illusions - again in the past I have been accused as been every one of them - their statements etc of course don't count as you must think they are not trouble like F - plus the fact we cannot be bothered with them - we just want F

Remember the "star" of this last journal and other expert thread is NOT me - its my method - its that good !! - thank goodness it cannot be learnt in a few weeks or months and really only the "good guys" will get it to work ;-)

Must go - got a film to watch



Bit hard to trade without leverage in Australia and UK.

We could always move to America to try and avoid leverage.

I did not use it to start with.

But have no problem with it now.😍
Bit hard to trade without leverage in Australia and UK.

We could always move to America to try and avoid leverage.

I did not use it to start with.

But have no problem with it now.😍

I am not necessarily arguing against leverage. I am arguing against the specific people that are using leverage here. The way that they are saying they are using it does not make sense. @Forexmospherian's explanation is severely lacking.

Why do you have to use leverage in Australia?
I am not necessarily arguing against leverage. I am arguing against the specific people that are using leverage here. The way that they are saying they are using it does not make sense. @Forexmospherian's explanation is severely lacking.

Why do you have to use leverage in Australia?


Looking at $19.95 equities per side with out leverage

$10 with CFD.

And they are both going in the same order book.

You can negotiate better deals on an individual basis.

I trade bit of index markets and never seen them without leverage.
Not to say it might be out there