Needing help from everyone on T2W.

You don't have the money to achieve the things you want. But that's no reason why anyone who doesn't know you should help.
I've spoken to The Donkey Sanctuary and put your case forward and as they share your homeless plight, were willing to contribute generously.

They'll also be forwarding you a five figure donation very soon...

Wow a sunday afternoon, and a lot to try reply to, firstly to as much as I can reply to Pat Riley:

Yes I am full aware of the immigration issue, I am British Mauritian, my family being just Mauritian. If I was just Mauritian and achieved a work permit, I'd be able to bring over my family hassle free (obv with the EU they have had to massively reduce non EU immigration)I'm not saying you are racist or anyone that shares your views are, but nationality isn't my concern when I am separated from my family, but I do have a right to be here, I'm simply looking to meet the requirements to get my family over here, doing as much as I can, but yes, asking for help too, all my friends are either just getting by or in debt.

I have read various thing about the age of home owners etc but realise I'm not asking anyone specific, if anyone wishes to help me, sure, I'll be forever grateful, when it comes to their own situation (limited resources) it honestly would be up to the individual if they do so and how much, I'm not forcing nor asking an exact group or individual, in this same context I'm not asking anyone to reduce their position to elevate mine, as a humanitarian I wouldn't want to put someone else in debt so they can help me get my family here and homed, nor imo would that actually happen.

You don't appreciate my method, for one, this isn't my only method, two this is a very simple premise, with my intent outlined clearly, if you were separated from your family for bureaucratic reasons, it would be up to you what lengths you would go to, I'm doing all I can and trying to find more ways and different solutions all the time. I will either succeed or fail in this method, but I'm looking for whatever end to justify my means. I'm not the most intelligent person, and integrity, people can judge my integrity for themselves but it's a scale it isn't black and white.

I don't know anything about the experiment you talk about, but something I forgot to add to my page that I will most likely add in my next update. I have had jobs of various salaries over the years, I've been fine and happy on minimum wage many times over, I would have been now to tell you the truth. I might have said in the past 'oh I wonder what it would be like to get rich' but genuinely this isn't my mindset, I've always been happy with what I got, even now, even at this, my aim here isn't to get rich, but for my loved ones, once they are here I can go back to building savings 'just for the sake of it' because I am actually saving for something now, since these last few months.

As for Mr Charts, do make what you can if you can. I will say my family who are over here, we are all tax contributors to the UK, I am very proud to be British, it's up to anyone if they wish to look at the immigration status of any of us. All I know is that I'm a hard working individual, and even with Pat Riley's point of who can afford a house at what age, I'm simply looking to get there for a reason now, otherwise i'd be happy in my current status. And yes, plenty of my family experienced the same hostility.

Tar, I am simply reaching out to anyone, if anyone can help, then great. I can see you take a dim view on this and you are entitled to your opinion, everyone is. I will be appreciative of any help, and everyone can monitor my progress even once I have reached my resolve for this situation.

Tomorton, I guess that is what crowdfunding is based on.
Atilla, not too sure what to make of that, I guess I was already prepared for something like that, this is the internet after all, and a consequence of putting my life out there like this...
Atilla, not too sure what to make of that, I guess I was already prepared for something like that, this is the internet after all, and a consequence of putting my life out there like this...

Here is an idea... This donkey sanctuary which I am a honorary member of, as I used to be a trustee are very good at raising money. You could learn a few tinks from their web page no?

I can put you in touch with our web designers if you would like? 😉
This is from the donation page of the OP

.....ultimately, anyone who is able to donate substantial amounts, would actually be the ones who are worth being allowed a personal insight into this journey that i have embarked on, and look to complete.

So you think that your journey is so valuable that people will be privileged to spend a large amount of money to see it?

Unfortunately, you are living in a land of “make believe” with fairies and pixies wearing little hats with bells and whistles on them.
if you were separated from your family for bureaucratic reasons, it would be up to you what lengths you would go to
There is no restriction on you being with your family in Mauritius. It would seem you're the one putting the barriers up by insisting on being in the UK.

If being with your family was a #1 priority - you would be.

It's like me sayin I want me family with me all the time while I'm traveling around and I want you to fund their airfares and expenses for me. If me family were that big a deal, I'd get a job at home.

I understand you wanting to be in the UK and wanting your family here with you, but you're playing a bit of a game with the 'bureaucratic reasons' line. What you are doing is begging, plain and simple - and there's nothing wrong with that at all. But be honest about it and go and sit next to an ATM like they do in Dublin.
More replies,

Inquisitor, I'm not asking for 'large amounts of money' from any single donation, if someone can help me they can choose how much or little, of course the total is where it is at, if anyone wishes to help me, I would be the one serving gratitude, it would be up to the donators how they feel.

I am aware there are other causes all around the world of varying depths, people can see my case, ask questions, follow it IF THEY WISH, and choose to donate or not.

And believe it or not, yes there is also a lot of talk about me going out to Mauritius, though I will explain. We did decide being in the UK is better, but less easier, so I am going theough the motions for this, and learning what I can. I guess in this forum I have made it a little bit out to be a sob story based on the line of questioning, though having reread my page, I don't feel I have made it a sob story. We all feel that it is harder to get work or create work in Mauritius, the education system is poor, I actually personally feel the medical system out there is better, though it realy is more about starting a new life, UK has a better cost of living (Milliband can talk about the cost of living crisis, but it's not as bad here as in Afica overall).

So when I mention bureaucratic reasons, it's balancing the standard of living against finding the best standard of living that is blocked by bureaucratic reasons, I know that wasn't what I said, I was putting it in the context based on what I felt Pat Riley was saying. It is a form of begging, but I'm not actually begging, I am asking for help nonetheless, but if people want to pass by without donating, I'm not going to hound them about it, that's the difference I feel.

I actually appreciate your coments neil, even though looking into Mauritius isn't an isue, I will check out that last link.
I actually appreciate your coments neil, even though looking into Mauritius isn't an isue, I will check out that last link.

Thats mine if you have any questions plz dont hesitate to ask 👍
I am reading a novel by William Boyd, entitled "Ordinary Thunderstorms" The hero is on the run, chased by the police and the baddies. He is smart enough to know that the best place to hide is amongst London's homeless. He swipes a blind man's white stick (feeling some remorse for doing so but, hell, you have to start somewhere) and . financially. he seems to be doing great. Most people want to help out.

I can recommend the book. As for OP, he seems to be trying a modern, hi-tec method, He, probably has an offshore bank account. I'm, also, interested in the tax angle. Would he pay any, or am I being naive?

I have an idea.......:idea: